Chaper 3: A Good Nights sleep, And a Good morning, And a Tattoo?!

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After all of the dancing we played a few video games, I beat CC at Mario Cart! And I beat Andy at Just Dance! Then I watched Ashley and Jake attempt to play Just Dance! It was a funny sight.

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed. Night Jake!" I said as I hugged him.

"Night, Lil Sis!" "night guys! " I said as I trailed off to the stairs.

"Hey!" they all said together "Don't we get hugs?" CC asked.

"Yeah, do we?" Andy said pouting his pierced lip.

" Come here Lil' Andrew!" I said holding my arms open for a hug.

"YAY!! HUGS!" Andy said skipping over to me and hugging me.

"CC, Your next!" I said walking over to him and then he grabbed me and bear hugged me.

"Can't breath!" I said as he let go.

"Sorry!" he said shrugging his shoulder.

"It's okay." I said as I hugged Jinxx.

"Night Lindsay!" he said with a smile.

"Night Jinxx!" I said the I turned around to find Ashley with his arms open.

"What about Me?" he asked batting his eyes, his brown eyes, man he had some beautiful eyes... Lindsay Snap Out of it!!

\"Why Not.. Come here." I said holding my arms out, he hugged me and then I went of to bed. I changed into my Pajamas and got in my bed.

"I'm so tired!"

" Me to!" Ashley said as he opened the door.

" I'm going to bed early tonight.. Oh the guys wanted me to tell you that tomorrow they are going shopping for sound gear so unless you go with them you'll be stuck here with me.."

"Okay... Well goodnight.." I said as I turned over on my side facing the wall, I let the Darkness over come my body as I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning*

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon cooking, I got up and walked down stairs wearing only sleep shorts and a tank top.

"I smell food!" I said walking into the kitchen finding the source of amazing aroma.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" Ashley said as he flipped a pancake over.

"Wow, you cook?!" I asked as I stepped up next to him and watched him.

"Yeah, I cook.. It isn't to good but it's food!" he laughed.

"Haha, yeah I'm more of a baker rather then a chef. I might make some homemade brownies tonight!" I said watching him cook the last pancake.

"well, I hope you do, Jake said your brownies are the bomb!" he laughed as he put the last pancake on a plate.

"Haha, really? Well I'll have to thank him for saying that later!" I said grabbing a piece of bacon and taking my plate to the table.

"So.. How's the food?" he asked taking a bite of his pancakes.

"It's surprisingly Good!" I said taking another bite of my pancakes.

"Glad ya like it!" he said with a smile, I smiled back, we finished eating and put our dishes in the sink then we went into the living room to watch TV, I turned on an amazing movie called White Chicks, it's so funny! I love it!

"Oh, hey watch this aaannnddd HAHAHAHA!! Oh God I love this movie!" I said as we watched the movie together I almost busted my lung laughing so hard. When the movie ended I went to take a shower, I went into my room and grabbed my clothes and towels and my flat iron and my blow dryer, and makeup and then I went to the bathroom locked the door and turned on the water. Once the water warmed up I stripped and I got into the shower, I let the warm water rush over me I washed everything then I got out and wrapped a towel around me I dried off then put my clothes on. I had decided to wear my BVB shirt and my skinny jeans. I dried and straightened my hair and then I applied my foundation, pressed powder, blush, black eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and my red lipstick. Then I put on some High top sneakers and walked out of the bathroom after I put my towel in the dirty laundry basket I went down stairs when I got downstairs I heard 4 wolf whistles and then my brother said "Where are you going tonight? Lil sis you look good!"

"Good don't even describe her!" Andy said.

"Neither does perfect or gorgeous!" Jinxx added.

"Nope!" CC said.

"Wow, I think we have ourselves a fallen angel boys!" Ashley said. "Well thank you guys for the complements! And I'm going nowhere, I just decided to put on some good clothes and I didn't want to blind you all with my ugly face. I look bad with no Makeup on!" I said as made my way over to get something to drink.

"No you don't! you look beautiful without makeup!" Jake stated with a smile.

"Your only saying that because we look similar! And you like to think you look as good as I do!!" I said laughing, he pouted his lip and crossed his arms.

"Aww.. Is little Jakey upset?" Andy said, we all laughed.

"I'm sorry Jake, I was kidding!" I said hugging him.

"It's okay.. I Know you are kidding Lindsay!" I laughed.

"I'm hungry!" I said letting go of Jake.

"I just made you breakfast how are you hungry?" Ashley said crossing his arms.

"Cause I'm a tank like my brother, and I have a fast metabolism so I don't stay full for very long." I said looking through the fridge.

"Oh, look! A puddin' cup" I said talking like Harley Quinn, I took out the pudding cup and grabbed a spoon and I looked up to see everyone shocked at my spot on Harley Quinn impression.

"What?" I asked.

"You sounded just like her!!" Andy said jumping with joy.

"Yeah, I've always been able to do that!" I said laughing.

"So.. What are we gonna do now?" I asked as I ate the pudding.

"We can go see a movie!" Jake said.

"Yeah!" CC said.

"Or, you guys can take me to Sunset Strip Tattoos, and I can finally get a tat!" I said.

"Yes! c'mon lets go!" Ashley said dragging me out of the door.

"Who's motorcycle?" I asked

"Mine." Ashley said.

"Wow! I wanna ride on it! I LOVE motorcycles!!" I stated Jumping up and down.

"Okay, here's a helmet." he said handing me a pink helmet.

"Yay!!" I said strapping the helmet on and hopping on the back of his motorcycle and off to the tattoo shop we went!   

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(A/N: So I decided to add another chapter today since I have nothing else to do!! I'll update this story more tomorrow! Later! :3 )---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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