Beer Bottles

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"Um. Thanks, I guess?" I muttered, not quite sure what was going to happen. I drew a quick breath as Natasha lent towards me and placed a soft kiss on my lips. It was just like I'd imagined, only better. It only took a moment before I slid my hands around her jaw and adrenaline pumped through my veins. I felt a shudder shoot down my spine as Natasha wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her body. 

Suddenly, the office door swung open and we broke apart. "Miss Hill. Do you intend to help me or do you not?" Nick said. He was looking around to find me and eventually his eyes found me on the floor next to Natasha. "Oh, sorry Maria. Do you two want a minute?" I sighed with relief, convinced he didn't see us kissing. I stood up and composed myself. Now wasn't a good time to blush. "I'll be there in just a minute Nick." He nodded and went back into the office. When I turned around, Natasha was stood up, looking rather sheepish.

"You've no idea how long I've been waiting to do that," she mumbled. My cheeks flushed red and any composure I had just went out of the metaphorical window. She stepped towards me and tucked my hair behind my ear. Thousands of thoughts and ideas rushed through my mind as I juggled what the right thing to do was. "Fancy staying for a drink?" I asked. Natasha looked surprised but nodded. "If you can just wait here for five minutes; I won't be long with Nick." 

I went into the office and he'd fallen asleep at his desk. I nudged him awake and lent over him to sort out his computer problems. "There. Your bill's been payed. I'm going to leave you to lock up. Is that alright?" Nick grumbled a yes and I left, closing the office door behind me. Natasha followed as I led her upstairs to my pitifully small flat. "Make yourself at home. I think there's enough space for two people." I joked. She laughed, thank goodness, and sat herself down on my fourth-hand sofa. "I've only got beer or coffee," I said. "Beer it is."

When I turned around from getting two bottles from the fridge, Natasha was standing fairly close to me. I waned to speak, just to say something but my thoughts were being drowned in her beautiful eyes. Without speaking, she took the beer bottles from my hands and places them on the counter next to her. "Natasha," I muttered. She put a finger to my lips and smiled. "Call me Nat." The next thing I knew, her lips merged with mine in a kiss with her hands weaving around my neck. 

As the chemicals raced in my bloodstream, Nat pulled my waist towards hers and moved the kiss to my neck. I let a small moan escape from my throat as she found just the right spot. The moment passed too quickly for my liking when she let the intensity slip and put her forehead against mine. "Can we not do this tonight?" Nat whispered, breathless. I paused for a while, thinking about what to say. She must have taken my pause as shock because she let go of me completely and walked towards to sofa, picking up her guitar and bag. "See you next fortnight," she said bluntly.

I ran after her and caught her arm as she got into the hallway. Not stopping to think, I placed my hands around her head and pulled her in for a short but sweet kiss. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I'm surprised you even spoke to me." I rambled off a list of meaningless phrases and sentences until she kissed me back. She only pulled away when she was out of breath. "Come back inside and we can talk?" I suggested. Nat sighed. It wasn't with frustration, but rather as if she was nervous. "Good idea."

A/N: Aww these two <3 Not quite sure where this is going to go but I never do so no change there ^-^ Let me know what you think below and if you loved it, have a go and pressing that lovely star :3 Happy Reading!!

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