Chapter Sixty-five:

Start from the beginning

"What was that, Rona?" Buffy inquired, arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm dead because he's a vampire." Rona stated matter-of-factly. "I don't have Slayer strength, Slayer speed— i-it wasn't a fair fight."

"Vi, do you think I care about a fair fight?" Spike asked.

"No, no, sir." Vi answered him tentatively. "You don't play by the rules, and I have learned a valuable lesson of some sort." When Spike increased the strain on her arm, she yelped: "Ow!"

"Okay, Spike." Buffy intervened, prompting him to release her. "You're right." She continued, addressing the Potentials. "You don't have Slayer strength. But that doesn't mean that you're not strong. You have inherent abilities that others do not have."

"Not like you do." Remarked Molly, notepad and pen in hand.

"No, not yet. But it's there. You have the potential. You have strength, speed, instinct. You just have to learn to trust yourself. Rona, what did your instincts tell you to do just then?"

"Block his attack, keep him off-balance, gain the advantage...?" Rona replied half-heartedly.

"No, they didn't."

Rona sighed. "They told me to run." She confessed frankly.


"They told me to run," Vi admitted, rubbing her sore wrist. "They're still sort of telling me to run."

"Don't fight on his terms." Buffy instructed. "Your gut's telling you to run, run. Okay? Gain the higher ground. Make the fight your own. Spike, what did your instincts tell you to do just then?"

"Hunt." He said simply. "Kill."

Buffy glanced sidelong at Hel. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all." Hel replied, smirking at Spike as she took three long strides towards him. "Come at me. Full speed."

He raised his eyebrows at her, smiling a little.

"He needs to kill to live." Buffy resumed. "That tells you everything you need to know."

Growling low in his throat, Spike launched himself at Hel and tackled her to the ground. Instinctively, her quick reflexes kicked in and she gave a shove, flipping him over. Their positions were reversed, placing her on top and allowing her to seize the advantage. She pinned him beneath her, his back flat against the grass and his hips straddled by her thighs.

Hel sat astride him, one hand pushing down onto his abdomen with crushing strength and the other at his throat. She arched an eyebrow at him. "Are you holding back?"

"Instinct." Buffy narrated. "Understand his, but trust yours. You were chosen for a reason."

Spike groaned softly, feeling a sharp pain in his ribcage.

Hel frowned in concern, removing her hands. "What's wrong?"

"I'm... Fine." He tried to sit up, wincing. "Couple of ribs ain't quite set right since— I'm fine." He  told her unconvincingly.

"Let me see." She lifted his shirt and began feeling his chest and abdomen for signs of damage.

"Hel!" He snatched both of her hands and held them gently within his grasp. Their gazes connected, his reassuring eyes locked onto her worried ones. "Luv, trust me. I'm fine."

Rona raised her eyebrows. "That's hot."

Hel's head snapped up, suddenly aware that they were far from alone. She felt a flush of embarrassment under their judging gazes.

"So, we're supposed to, like, make-out with them or something?" Molly remarked, still scribbling down notes on her pad of paper.

"Careful, Hel." Vi warned. "Just when you think it's part of the lesson, he'll—" she gestured to her wrist. "Hurt your arm."

Clearing her throat awkwardly, Hel stood upright and offered Spike her hand. He accepted her assistance, his hand grasping hers as he hauled himself to his feet. Once upright, his hold lingered. Her heart rate increased. It was such a simple thing— skin to skin contact. Simple, but potent. She freed her hand hastily, averting her gaze.

Signing impatiently, Buffy drew the Potentials' attention back to her. "Molly, Kennedy— let's go, you're up. Next lesson."

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