Can I Watch ? ✔️

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              On Monday morning, a few conversations circled back to the snake incident but everyone had already moved on, including my sister. We had decided not to tell Donna what had happened to us or she'd never let us drive anywhere again but Tessa didn't have the bruises on her wrist. Every time I looked down at my arm, his face came back in my mind and I wondered what had happened to him. Guilt was making its way in my heart for leaving him on the road but fear overcame us on that night and I had to make a choice.

'You've done the reading for Pissaro ?" Peter snapped me out of thoughts, making me pull my sweater on my forearm and close my locker. He was smiling, completely unaware of what had happened that night. He probably didn't even know about the prom being cut short.

"You're coming?"

Peter was still leaning against the row, "How about we ..." He whistled and pointed at the heavy double doors leading outside.

"We're not skipping class, this is the only hour we're together." His bottom lip dropped and he followed me, dragging his feet to show he was complying but not out of his own free will.

---"Into the middle of the heath on the top of Wuthering Heights..." I could hear the teacher's voice at the very back of my mind, but couldn't register a word she was saying; I couldn't focus on anything else other than the man on the road. I didn't know who I could call to see if he was alright if he was in the hospital or if he went back into the woods never to be seen again.

"Are we passing notes, Mr Godfrey?" The change of pace and sudden pause made me realise the teacher had stopped her reading, waiting for an answer. I turned my head to see what it was all about only to see Roman turn on the charm to shift the attention.

"Wouldn't dream of it ma'am," He dropped the fake innocent smile as soon as her eyes went back on the words in the page in front of her and he looked back at Peter opening a little piece of paper. Roman caught my gaze but his face was still serious, no cheeky wink or smart-ass comments half-whispered, making me wonder what could be so important. At the very first sound of the bell, Peter was already out of the room, not once looking back, leaving me almost running after him to his locker.

"What's up your butt wildcat ?" He was in such a hurry to leave that he dropped a book and not even bothered to bend down and get it,  making me do it. I flicked the pages out of habit, ready to hand it back to him when a piece of flying paper caught my attention. The details given to the snake's scales on the drawing were amazing and precise, almost sending a shiver down my spine of how accurate and similar it was to my own.

"I thought I was being edgy when I got it ... stupid, I know."Peter furrowed his eyebrows, "The Ouroboros," I handed him back his book with the drawing on top of it, "It's quite good, I didn't know you could draw."

"That's what it's called ?" It was now my turn to be confused,

"I thought you had seen the tattoo on my back ..." I took off my jacket sleeve to expose my tank top and my shoulder blade and turned around. His hands made me jumped, not because they were cold but because that very shape couldn't appear that often in my life in such a short amount of time; an ouroboros is not that common and three times can't be a coincidence. I put my jacket back on, still waiting for an explanation that never came. Instead, he reached into his pocket and handed me a piece of paper.

"Be at my place at 7 alright?' I looked down to see what important message Roman had to write down and was more than surprised but mostly confused when I saw those 3 little words:  Can I watch?

---Hearing the voices inside Peter's trailer made me reconsider my decision of coming in the first place; something felt wrong and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I kept bringing my hand up to the door to knock but something always stopped me from going through with it until I heard Peter's voice, calling me inside. For how long did he know that I was out here was a mystery but it was embarrassing enough. I timidly walked inside not daring to step too far, staying close to the door as I couldn't see anyone in the living room.

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