Killer Jacket ✔️

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Over the course of the next couple of days, we were committed to making this house ours. Cleaning and reorganising  furnitures, hanging pictures and paintings until there was nothing else for me to but do the same to my room.  Not yet feeling up to the task, I thought it best to have a little walk around town. My last evening of freedom before school would not be spent sitting down on my rug playing with old stuff I couldn't get rid of but had no use for.

Given how late it was, I didn't expect a lot of people on the street and as the shops were closed, all I could do was to make a mental note to come back to some of them during the day. On my way back I finally notice all the posters for the amusement park "Pennsylmania" and decided to follow the instructions to get there, figuring that's where most of the town was. The air started to smell like cotton candy and the light were bright in the sky above but no one was in sight. The parking lot was empty, no noise of laughter and chatting could be heard and as I got closer, I could see a lock keeping the gates closed. Someone had a crappy sense of humour to come up with that name and not even opening it despite all signs to the contrary. A noise made me jerk my head to the side and scan the woods nearby to any signs of movement but found none.

Feeling pretty stupid about it, I thought it was enough of an adventure and went back into town to finally go home. I knew there must've been a quicker way to do that journey but for now, it was the only one I knew and getting lost when it was that dark outside didn't seem like a great idea. As I walking I let my mind wander only to have my eyes being attracted to lights from where I thought was only a ditch at the edge of the woods. I looked closer only to discover a trailer parked there and a couple of empty beers on the table close to the front door. The idea of having a neighbour that close made me feel better somehow and I went home, thinking I should stop by and say hello one of these days.

------ Mornings had never been my favourite part of the day. I did try to wake early for a time, trying to be a fully functional human being by 8 but it was revealing to be harder than expected. The idea of going to school didn't bother me as I love learning but the idea of being confined with other kids who, for most of them, developed some sort of false sense of superiority was the problem. As I was getting down, Donna had just finished making some pancakes and Tessa was already eating them, looking eager to leave. Satisfied with the amount of food we had eaten and only then, my aunt grabbed and tossed me my car keys and sent us on our way, claiming we were going to be late. We knew she liked to put on the radio and sing to herself before leaving for work and it had always made us laugh the way she was insisting on throwing us out for us.

Parking in front of Hemlock Grove High School turned out to be easier than expected and we waited for a few minutes inside, just looking at the building. Tessa had already tried to leave once but I had locked the passenger door, telling her to take a deep breath and enjoy this last moment before going in. There was absolutely no reason for me to do this other than annoy her a bit which seemed to work like a charm.

"Please, don't make me come and get you in the library tonight, you're still my ride." She raised her eyebrows at me, thinking if she was annoying I would let her go out the car quicker and she was right. She opened her door and before closing it she lowered herself to see me, "Maybe don't tell everyone we're related. I don't wanna be known as the weird sisters because of you."

"You know Tessa, I do remember being the older sibling. It is, therefore, my birthright to 'embarrass you',"

"I'll tell Donna you're being horrible to me," and she slammed the door, ending the conversation. She knew I wouldn't want to make Donna mad in any way, trying my best to fit our aunt perfect idea of a family. And Tessa knows how to cry on command. As soon as those precious crocodile tears start rolling down her cheeks, our aunt would move heaven and earth to make her stop. I waited for the bell to ring to blend in with the other students, all walking on a path probably not paved with good intentions. -------- I went to the front desk, saying I was new and all they did was give me a locker number, my timetable and sent me on my merry way. Everyone around me knew where they were going, flirting with each other and laughing as I was trying to find my locker and possibly my classroom before the second bell rang. A boy with long hair and way too many rings on his fingers to be able to write anything was looking down at the same piece of paper I was, making me glad I wasn't the only new kid in town.

"Nice jacket," I told him, trying to appear as approachable as possible. He simply thanked me and looked back at his timetable, leaving me standing there. This was not how a conversation was supposed to go between two lost students in a crowded corridor. I couldn't expect everyone to want to socialise and walked away, thinking I could find my room on my own when he grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Sorry, you're just the first human being I talk to this morning and I'm a bit- no I'm completely lost."

"The first human being?" I repeated, curious of why he chose to add that little detail.

"Well a dog barked at me this morning, I didn't bark back so I'm not sure it counts as conversation," he explained. It genuinely put a smile on my face, thinking this guy was intentionally painting himself as a bit different and not really caring.

"Well, my sense of direction isn't too good either," which was the truth, at least in a school.

"First time being the new one?" he asked, still looking around to the room number matching his piece of paper. " Don't worry, I've done this a few times now, we can be two lost losers together." I let him take a look at my own classes and off we were going. All I could do was pray for the best.

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