For a brief moment, she legitimately worried that he'd read her thoughts, and if he'd heard that she didn't know his name, that means he'd have heard...

So, dumbly, she said "Huh?"

"My name is Kai." He said, paused, and then one side of his lips pulled up slightly. "Well, I mean, it isn't. But it is."

Thankfully, his words managed to distract her from her previous irrational worry, and she furrowed her brow in a frown. "Wait what?" she shook her head. "It either is, or it isn't?"

His amused half smirk grew. "It is. And it isn't."

Leia let out a laugh of indignation. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

He simply raised an eyebrow and smiled a little wider.

There we are again. Wind-up.

Leia shook her head, but didn't reply, instead folding her arms across her chest, and raising her own eyebrow back at him.

He mimicked her pose, folding his arms – despite herself, she noticed then that he had really nice arms, Leia was a sucker for toned arms, damn it – across his chest. They stayed like that for a few, long moments, before he snorted another laugh, and unfolded his arms. "It's the name I go by. Since coming over here. My real, Korean name is Jongin."

Jongin... Kai... they both suited him. And it suddenly felt almost a little bit weird, knowing his name now. Admittedly, a little (lot) satisfying, but... he wasn't just the guy stuck in the elevator with her now. He was Kai. He was Jongin.

"You can call me either, but most people call me Kai." He said, with a shrug.

Leia nodded. And then softly, after hesitating a moment, she said "Leia... My name is Leia."

Kai's eyes lit up instantly and he grinned. "You mean like-"

"Yes, like the Star Wars character." She sighed, more than used to the reaction whenever somebody knew found out her name. "She's... I'm named after her. My dad is a huge fan." She felt her cheeks go pink as she said it, embarrassed.

"Oh my god, that's amazing." He said, and he sounded like he genuinely meant it. He paused, before saying "Please tell me you have a twin brother."

Leia rolled her eyes. "No." She sighed again. "I have an older sister, but she's called Charlie, after my grandma Charlotte. Lucky her got a normal name."

Kai shook his head. "Don't say that. Your name is great! It's so cool."

"It isn't." She shook her head.

"Oh, it is." Kai said, his tone assured.

"It isn't."

"It is."

"It isn't!"

Kai chuckled and held both hands up in a sign of a truce. "Let's agree to disagree," He paused, and his grin became a devilish (and annoyingly attractive) half smirk once more. "Skywalker."

Leia wanted to be annoyed at the nickname (it wasn't the first time somebody had said it to her, and it had annoyed her then - though a lot less than when people said 'how's Jabba?') but for some reason... She didn't actually mind it when Kai said it. In fact, she maybe kind of liked it.

"You know Leia's last name was Organa and not Skywalker, right?" Leia asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kai made a 'phsst' noise, waving away her words with his hand. "Technically, yeah. But she was a Skywalker by birth." He said. "And besides, Skywalker is a way cuter nickname than Organa."

SIX HOURS; kim jonginWhere stories live. Discover now