Project Walrider Profitability Report

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"From: Helen Granat


Subject: Project Walrider On Site Inspection

Dear Sirs,

The full report pending, no immediate action is

required on the part of The Murkoff Corp. The

profit potential of PROJECT WALRIDER remains

staggeringly high.

The four fatalities contain enough ambiguous

data to make any litigation, if evidence is

correctly managed, impossible.

PROJECT WALRIDER remains a dangerous

initiative, and there will almost certainly be

further casualties. As with the others,

however, family and government interest in the

patients is so low as to make any chance of

legal actions vanishingly unlikely. Violence

among patients is increasing as the Morphogenic

Engine Therapy gets closer to producing working

models, but a combination of physical and

chemical restraints has proven sufficiently

effective to assure continued control and



Helen Granat

Murkoff Legal Mitigation Dept."

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