Sean's Feelings of Loneliness

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Jack collapsed on his bed with a sigh of slight relief. The flight back home was boring and emotionally painful.

The Irishman then groaned quietly, remembering that he promised Mark he would Skype call him as soon as he got home. Jack shook his head a little, he was way too tired to even open up his computer. So, he got comfortable and fell asleep rather quickly.

"Mark?..." Jack was sitting up in his bed, looking around. There wasn't a response. Something felt off.

The blue-eyed YouTuber got up from his bed, noticing that everything in his room was completely black. All the walls, floor, and furniture were absent of color.

Jack felt an uneasy feeling crawl up his back as he slowly started to walk forward. Suddenly, after taking only 4 steps, Jack stopped in his tracks. Something forced him to stop, he couldn't move his feet from the pitch black ground.

"W-What the-?" He muttered, his eyes widening when he saw the darkness slowly manifesting up his ankles.

Just then, as if things couldn't get any worse, Jack turned his head and saw hundreds of tiny spiders making their way towards him. Soon, hundreds turned to into thousands, and they were scattering around the floor near Jack.

Jack yelled and tried to move, shivering at the sight of the tiny arachnids.

A wave of relief washed over Jack when he finally broke loose from the grabby blackness of the floor. He then immediately dashed towards the door, which was completely dark, except for the shining doorknob.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!!!!" Jack turned the doorknob and yanked at it, failing to open his only escape. The door then disintegrated into the darkness, leaving Jack alone with thousands of spiders, which were closing in on him from the walls and floors.

Jack sunk down to the floor, helplessly watching as the tiny, but deadly, creatures circled him.

Why did this feeling hurt so much?

"AAH!" Jack gasped and shot up on his bed, panting lightly. He sighed heavily and laid back down. It was only a nightmare.

Jack huffed quietly to himself as he once again got comfortable under his blanket, trying his best to fall back to

{Septiplier} This Feeling (CANCELLED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora