Chapter 41

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Eileen's POV///

I had the worst dream ever. It was just so scary I don't even want it in my head, I don't want to talk about it or even think about it.

When daddy tried to pick me up I got scared and screamed, I got So scared because I still had my eye's closed, pretty much I was still asleep.

I screamed and ran over to jack Johnson.

He picked me and cried so hard on his shoulder.

I screamed and cried nonstop.

Everyone kept trying to calm me down.

Nothing was working.

It was a traumatic dream I never forget.


It's been 5 hours and jack was still in my room trying to calm me down.

After like another 30 minutes I fell asleep.

Jack slept with me to make sure nothing else happened.

I woke up to heavy breathing sound in my closet.

I turned my head and tried shaking jack away.

He woke up.

"Jack, there is something in my closet.." I cried.

He got up and opened the closet door.

We both saw red glowing eye's.

Jack ran out of the room.

I cried for him to come back.

He came back and woke up Logan and we ran out of the room.

I heard a crash and I jumped out of jacks arms and went back to my room.

I saw this huge wolf beast thing running across the street wildly like he just got high.

Everyone crowded around me from behind it was silent all you could hear was the wolf thing outside running around.

Then I whispered a few words.

"La bête du gévaudan...." After I whispered those words I passed out.

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