The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-two

Start from the beginning

My mouth dropped open, I knew Tyler could get hot headed due to this subject but I had never seen him like this. He was seemed so strong and powerful, disrespectful but powerful. Everyone had gone silent, Tristan was speechless but I could tell by his changing eyes that he was furious.

     “How dare you talk to me like Tyler, you have no idea what I have been through in my life!” Tristan roared.

     “Yes I do dad, you stood around and nothing when your own father disowned your little sister. You stood by and did nothing when she needed you the most because you were too much a coward. Now that you have chance to make it right, you’re choosing to do nothing again! Open your fucking eyes dad, Wyatt is obsessed with Mia. He’s going to do something terrible to her, I just know it. She belongs with Luca; she is not going to get better until they are reunited. You allowed your sister to be ripped away from her mate and now you’re allowing the same to happen to her daughter. You’re weak father!” Tyler ranted.

Tristan’s body shook violently; I knew that if he didn’t calm himself down he would charge at his own son. I turned away quickly and buried my face into Antonio’s chest. With everything that happened recently, the last thing I needed to see not was my own blood at war with each other.

     “What the hell is going on in here?” Wyatt’s voices boomed filing the tension filled kitchen.

I whipped my head round and looked over at him. He stood in the doorway, sending daggers in Tyler’s direction. I was surprised to see that he appeared to have dark rings around his piercing brown eyes. It was clear by his somewhat messy appearance that he too had not been sleeping. It was clear that he was filled with genuine concern for Mia, even if he did have an unhealthy interest in her.

       “Nothing, I think lack of sleep is just getting taking its toll on my son.” Tristan replied trying to calm himself in front of Wyatt.

     “Really because from what I heard, it would seem that your son is questioning my judgement. You know how I hate pack members questioning my judgement.” He said calmly, as his threatening eyes remained glued on Tyler.

     “Not at all Wyatt, like I said he’s overtired. It was just a moment of stupidity.” Tristan said glancing at Tyler, clearly begging him to agree.

I could tell that Tyler was trying to ignore him, which I wish he wouldn’t. I know that he is angry, we all are but he would be no match against Wyatt. For now all we could do was go along with him and wait and see what happens. Even if it killed us to do so.

     “I hope that’s all it is Tristan, I would hate for our pack to be another man down.” He said as Tristan looked back at him in shock. “Get your boy in check or your position may need to be reconsidered as well.” He continued.

All eyes were on Wyatt as he stormed out of the kitchen. We all remained silent until we heard him slam his office door. I slowly turned to Tristan as I watched him sink down into his chair, his eyes wide and skin pale. Wyatt’s words sinking in. his mate, Isabel, wrapped her arm around his shoulder. She too had gone quite pale, she sad eyes lingering on her son. Tristan placed his hand on his wife and glance over at Tyler.

    “Tyler we can’t lose you, so please son don’t do anything stupid. I know your heart is in the right place but you need to calm down, fighting will only make things worse.” He said softly, his voice dripped with despair.

    “Whatever!” Tyler responded as he began to storm out of the room.

     “Where are you going?” Isabel asked.

     “I need to go for run; I need to out away from here.” He said without looking back.

     “Tyler please tries to understand.” I pleaded with him.

     “Faith do you dare side with them, you know as well as I do that she isn’t safe with him.” He replied bitterly.

     “I know Ty but please think about your parent for a moment.” I said.

I glanced over at Isabel. Her wild, long, curly, auburn hair looked dull. Her deep green eyes looked tired; I could see her crumbling in front of me. She normally looked vibrant and beautiful and young but now she looked like a completely different person. She looked old and haggard.

     “Faith I will when they realise the seriousness of the situation. He’s going to hurt her Faith, I can feel it. We need to protect her and to do that we need Luca.” His determined voiced filled my head.

     “I know Ty but it’s going to be impossible. There is no way that we can get him out without Wyatt knowing.” I replied, gripping Antonio’s hand.

     “Ye of little faith. I have an idea, it may take a few days but I’m certain it will work.” He said before my mind fell silent.

Whatever it was that Tyler was planning, he’d better be careful. If Wyatt has any idea that he is up to something then I could lose another one of my best friend and my family could start to fall apart.

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