Chapter two

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The next morning Connie woke up nice and early. She wanted to make a start on breakfast and ring Jacob, whether she'd admit it to herself or not, Connie had missed him more then she thought possible.
"Morning sweet cheeks" Jacob answered.
"Hey you."
"Hows things going with Grace?"
"Erm... ye, good I think. We've talked. It's been nice you know."
"Have you talked about us?" Jacob inquired curiously.
"It's just.... I don't want you to think... I am going to tell her... I want to... it's just I don't want spoil things. I think that she'd be ok, I'm just not..." Connie stammered on.
"I will tell her."
"Maybe next week or..."
"CONNIE!!" Jacob raised his voice to get her attention. When she stopped to listen Jacob continued calmly. "Its fine, perfectly fine, ok? Maybe it would be better if she got to know me a little first. What do you think?"
Connie smiled, "that would great, thank you. For everything. For being so understanding."
Clearing her throat nervously she continued "why don't you call round later... if you want, if your not busy..."
"Ye cool, I'll bring pizza, I'll see you later then."
"Can't wait."

That evening there was a knock at the door. Grace in her pink fluffy dressing gown answered and was surprised to see Jacob. She was puzzled to start with, then her face lit up in a smile.
"Hello Jacob, erm...what are you doing here? Who's the pizza for?"
"Hi mini Beauchamp, I was at a loose end and wondered if you and your mum would like to share this pizza with me."
"YES!" Grace shouted and ran to find her mum.
"Hello Staff Nurse Masters" Connie said walking down the stairs wearing her pjs. A pair cream shorts with matching dressing gown and white vest top.
A sly grin appeared on Jacob's face as he held Connie's gaze, with silent communication passing between the two, letting Connie know he liked what he saw. "Evening Mrs Beauchamp, I've brought Hawaiian and meat feast. Can I tempt you?"
"Yum, can I try both please Jacob, there both my favourites?" Cheered Grace.
"You sure can!"
With that Grace and Jacob disappeared into the living room while Connie went to fetch plates and drinks.
When she returned, both pizza boxes where open on the coffee table and Connie was pleased to see Grace telling Jacob all about her sleepover. She was so a animated in her storytelling, clearly excited and enjoying herself.

The three of them sat together watching a film while they ate, Grace sat between Connie and Jacob.
When the film had ended Grace was sent to bed. "We can do this again sometime can't we mum... with Jacob?"
"Sure I don't see why not, if Jacob wants to."
"I love to princess, sweet dreams."
"Night mum, night Jacob." Grace said sleepily as she gave her mum a cuddle goodnight.

Left on their own, Jacob held Connie's hand and pulled her closer. Putting his arm round her and kissing her temple he murmured "well I think she likes me."
"Well I don't know why!" Connie retorted smiling cheekily as she snuggled up beside him.
They sat talking for while before Jacob suggested that he head on home, it was getting late and he had a early shift in the morning.
Holding hands as they walked out onto the front step. Just as Jacob was about to turn to leave Connie reached up on her tip toes and kissed him, to which he responded immediately. Once they broke apart Connie whispered "I'm going to tell Grace tomorrow."

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