My Struggle

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My struggle started probably when I was in first grade I was about six or seven I got bullied relentlessly because I wore glasses and was different I struggled with it for the entirety of my elementary school years and sixth grade wasn't any easier I was about 12 and when you grow up you start to understand things that you didn't understand before and near the end of sixth grade I came out as bisexual none of my friends and my parents rejected me an I felt great that they accepted me but it was everybody else that rejected me called me a freak everyone told me to brush it off but I just couldn't it hurt me a lot and i had to deal with that with through my whole middle school year, when I was in seventh grade I finally understood that I was atheist I told all my friends and family that I finally understood that I was atheist but again everyone else put me down and called me a freak but this time someone I thought who would always love me no .matter what my grandma finally told me that I was awful for being atheist and that I was stupid for being bi it really really hurt, and to hear it from your family hurt even more I went into a deep depression for a long time I found comfort in music and art I discovered Marilyn Manson and he became my forever favorite singer but just like before i was called a freak and Satanist for liking him I fell into a deeper depression than before this is around the time I started to cut, but every time I did I felt worse than before I did it but I kept doing it by this time I'm in eighth grade I had to move to max Meadows so I had to change schools I ended up at fort chiswell this was the first year were I didn't get bullied and it was awesome cause I met some great friends but the. Ninth grade happened

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