I started packing up my stuff.

"Here, make yourself useful." Darren tossed a couple of the full plastic bags at Colin.

"I'm not a butler," Colin muttered as he picked up the bags.

"We're going to need some sort of distraction first," I said. "Chances are the truck will be swarmed as well."

"Like what?" Darren said, like I was suggesting the impossible.

I rummaged in one of the bags Colin was currently holding and pulled out one of the bullhorns I had found in a cheerleader's dorm room.

"I figured these could come in handy. Got two more as well."

Darren nodded. "Not bad."

"I got some flares in my backpack," Colin added.

"We throw the bullhorns and flares away from the side of the building we need and it will draw them away from the truck."

"It will also draw in more," Darren pointed out the flaw.

"Yeah, but I'm hoping we'll be gone by then and the horns eventually run out," I countered.

"All right, be ready to hoof it down the stairs right after we do this," Darren instructed.

He looked through his own backpack and pulled out more zip-ties. "We'll need these to hold down the bullhorn triggers."

Always prepared.

"Get those flares ready," Darren demanded.

Colin gritted his teeth, but did as he was told. We stood at the south east corner of the building. Darren struck up two flares and threw as hard as he could. They landed in the street a good couple of meters away. The nearby infected started to hone in on the extremely bright light within moments.

"Get ready," Darren said as he tightened a zip-tie around the trigger of the first bullhorn.

The shrill sound echoed from the roof as Darren tossed it next to the flares. He threw the other two and soon we were sprinting back down the stairwell, not wasting time to see if the infected had fallen for it. We hit the landing and ran for the front doors. Darren raised my axe and brought it down on the zip-tie he had tied around the handles.

It broke the plastic ties, but he had managed to crack the glass in the process. When he pushed the door open, the glass fell away in shards. We burst into the court yard, the truck still parked at the next building over. I could hear the bullhorns going off even from the opposite side of the building. The infected nearby had been spurred into action and were stumbling towards the noise.

"It worked!" Colin yelled.

"Shut up!" Darren hissed as an infected a few feet away started towards us.

Darren whacked it with the axe, part of its decayed face coming off.

"Dude, you just scalped that pin-head!" Colin said.

Darren choose to ignore his comment as he ripped open the truck's driver side door once we reached it. Colin regarded the lifted truck with a raised brow.

"Get in the back!" I commanded after I tossed the bags I was carrying into the cab.

We both hopped up and barely had time to shut the doors before Darren hit the gas.

"Dude, how small is your dick?" Colin smirked.

"Pfft." I had to look out the window so Darren wouldn't see me laugh.

"I'm not having this conversation with you until your eighteen, kid." Darren retorted.

Colin's smirk fell ever so slightly. "Who knows if I'll make it that long, hell, you might die of old age by then."

This Would Be Paradise (Book 2)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now