"There's Danielle!" Abby yells next to my ear.  I follow her outstretched hand and notice Danielle and Liam talking with another couple. 

"Let's grab you a drink first and then we will head over to them," I yell just as loud so I'm heard over the music. I mix a rum and coke for Abby before grabbing myself a bottle of water.  I grab Abby's hand again and weave our way through the throng of bodies.

"Abby!" Danielle's high pitched scream could be heard over the music. Abby's is pulled forward, her hands falling from my grasp. Danielle hugs her so tightly I thought she was going to break her.

"Harry! Glad you came mate! Nice to see you wore something different than your usually attire," Liam says sarcastically, pointing to my blacks skinny jeans and white       t-shirt.  I had told Abby that it wasn't really a costume but she assure me it was what Damon wears on Vampire Diaries so I just went with it,  glad I didn't have to wear something silly. 

"Yeah and what are you suppose to be?" Taking in Liam's ratty clothes and bandana.

"A pirate!" He tells me, showing me the sword tied to his hip and the fake parrot on his shoulder.

"I see it now," I laugh, glad I had something simple for a costume. 

"Yeah, Danielle went all out," he shrugs, laughing. 

"Where's Niall and Louis?" I ask, taking a drink of my water.  I watch Abby out of the corner of my eye as she talks animatedly with Danielle.  She glances up at me and smiles making my heart swell. 

"They are around here somewhere. Wait until you see Nialls costume, he's a freaking ninja, he's wearing this ridiculous black spandex suit thing. He looks bloody stupid," Liam shakes his head laughing.  "And Liam and Eleanor are dressed up as Prince William and Kate," Liam explains. I just nod my head as he speaks. There's so much going on around us. You have everyone standing around the kitchen, making drinks and talking. You have people in one corner playing cards, looks like some poker game. Then you have the group of smokers standing outside on the huge terrace. Everyone was in different stages of drunkenness.

"Harold!" A hand clamps down on my shoulder and I turn to see a grinning Louis, Niall, right beside him.  Eleanor, I saw, walks over to Danielle and Abby.   "I hardly recognized you in your costume," Louis says, voice full of sarcasm.

"Oh sod off," I joke, rolling my eyes. 

"What are you suppose to be anyways?" He pokes at the dried blood on my chin.

"A vampire," I hold up some fake fangs.

"Ah, I see," he nods. Just then the girls make their way over to us. 

"Let's do shots!!" Danielle and Eleanor both tell together. Abby just shakes her head, laughing at their outburst.

"Let's do it!" Louis sticks his fist up in the air before taking off to the drink counter. We all follow suit and soon we are all standing around, each with a shot in their hand, everyone besides me anyway. Abby leans into my side as she hold the shot glass full of a clear liquid.  I watch her smell it, her noise wrinkling in disgust.

"You're not suppose to smell it," I whisper in her ear.  She looks up at me sheepishly  before Danielle starts talking. 

"To the best group of friends a girl could ask for! Thank you all for joining me tonight!" Everyone raises their glass before downing the shot. I watch Abby tip the glass back, letting the clear liquid run down the back of her throat.  She coughs a little before taking a sip of her rum and coke. I rub her back as she hands her shot glass back to Danielle who fills it right back up, along with everyone else's glass. 

"And here's to having one hell of a night!!" Everyone tips back their second shot cheering as they slam their glass down.  Abby doesn't cough this time but she still takes a sip of her rum and coke, washing away the taste of whatever alcohols was in her shot glass. 

"Let's go dance!" Eleanor says, after we all stand around talking for awhile and everyone doing one more shot. She pulls Abby from me and drags her to the room where everyone was dancing.  I follow close behind, following the rest of the guys. I watch Abby start dancing, jumping around and moving her arms to the beat of the music. Sugar by Robin Schulz was playing and it had a good beat to it. 

Watching Abby dance, looking so carefree and relaxed, the staccato rhythm making everyone look like they are are moving in slow motion, was sexy as hell

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Watching Abby dance, looking so carefree and relaxed, the staccato rhythm making everyone look like they are are moving in slow motion, was sexy as hell. It was quite the sight to see, the combination of the flashing strobe lights and the music and the way Abby looked had me buzzing.  She looked amazing and soon I found myself, like always, being drawn to her. I set down my water bottle and made my way to Abby.  I grab her hips and start moving with her. She beams up at me as I dance with her, running her hands through her hair as she moves back and forth. I know it's probably the alcohol making its way through her system that's making her carefree like this but I have to say that she looks sexy as hell. She smiles every now and then, looking up at me with those big brown eyes, making sure I'm watching.  Every look she gives me is full of want and it takes everything I have not to drag her off this dance floor. Hell yes baby girl, I'm watching. I can't take my eyes off of her.  Like the song says, she was tantalizing.

I grab her hands, bringing them up around my neck, keeping up with the rhythm of the song.  Who knew Abby could move like this. I didn't want this song to end. I didn't want this night to end. I danced with Abby the rest of the song, even into the next song that had an upbeat tempo.  I danced with her until she stopped and stood frozen in place.  I stop and look at her, seeing her eyes widen at whatever she's looking at. I follow her gaze and when I realize what she's looking at I stand up straighter, body rigid with fury. 

That son of a bitch.


Whoa, find your chill Harold! Haha little drama coming up in the next chapter! Any guesses on who they are looking at, or what?? Hehe

Kind of a filler and definitely not as good as last chapter haha hope you all still enjoyed it though!!

Dont forget to vote and comment!!

Love you guys! Xx


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