Chapter 52

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Harry hasn't left me alone to make a doctors appointment to make sure everything is fine with our baby. I know he's worried about it. I'm still worried about him. I know there's still risks with him being out of the hospital. He was there for a week. He keeps telling me he's fine. I just need to make sure he's okay. I need him in my life. I really don't know how I made is as far as I did without him. He makes me so happy too. I know we have our fights but every couple does. I still need him in my life though. I'm sure he knows that.

I finally have my appointment today. Harry seems happy about it. I can tell he's a little worried. We both are though. I have been under a lot of stress lately. I know that can affect our baby. I just really hope it hasn't. We're both happy about this. I don't want to think that something can be wrong right now. I don't need anymore stress right now. I'm finally getting some of it to go away after what happened to Harry. I still can't help but worry about him.

I found some clothes to put on. As I finished up, I turned around to find Harry sitting on the bed. I'm not surprised. I know he got ready before I did. I tried to help him since he's still a little sore but he wouldn't let me. He's so stubborn sometimes. It can defiantly be annoying. I knew that when I agreed to marry him. I can't wait till the day we're married. We haven't even talked about any of that yet. I'm sure that we need to. I'm not rushing it right now. We have enough going on.

I smiled a little bit, moving closer to him. He placed his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to me. I softly pecked his lips, "We really need to go, babe."

He nodded, "I'm happy you finally got an appointment."

"I know. I've just been worried about you."

"I've told you many times. I'm fine. Please stop worrying."

"You know that's hard for me."

He pecked my lips, "We need to go, love."

I nodded, pulling away from him. He is right. I'm ready to make sure everything is fine so he can leave me alone about this appointment. I know he's been worried. I grabbed my purse and keys before grabbing his hand. He smiled a little bit before slowly standing up. I know he's still sore. He won't tell me though. I can just tell by the way he's acting. I squeezed his hand, "Maybe you should take some pain medicine before we go."

He shook his head, "I'll be fine."

I sighed, helping him down stairs. He's really starting to drive me crazy with him being so damn stubborn. There's nothing I can do about it. There's no changing that. I don't want him to change. He's just going to drive me crazy for a little bit. I moved closer to him as we walked out to my car. We both stayed quiet. I'm fine with that. At least he's not driving me a little crazy right now. Normally he's never this bad.

I felt him keep looking over at me as I drove. I really don't mind. That's nothing new though. He placed his hand on my leg, squeezing. I can't help but smile a little bit. I love it when he's like this. Hopefully he's still like this when we get home. I'm sure that he will be. Especially since it will be after the doctors appointment.

I pulled into the parking lot. There's hardly anyone here. I'm okay with that. I really don't want to see anyone else today. I want to spend time with Harry. Hopefully neither of us will be stubborn later. I just want to enjoy some time with him later. It just feels like I've been so busy with other things while he's recovering. I just haven't been around him as much as I should.

I felt him intertwine our fingers as we walked inside. I smiled a little bit, moving closer to him. We walked into the office and there was only one other women in the waiting room. She was sitting there by herself. I feel a little bad. I'm happy that Harry is here with me. It would be a little weird if he wasn't. He's always around to support me. I really do appreciate that. I've never really had that before him. I squeezed his hand before letting it go. I walked over to the window, signing in. The lady handed me some papers to fill out before I walked over, sitting down next to Harry. He place his hand on my leg as I started filling them out. I was pretty much done when a nurse called the other women back. I really hope we don't have to wait too long. I'm ready for this so Harry can leave me alone about it. I finished up, taking the papers back up to the women. I moved back over to Harry, leaning my head again his shoulder. I felt him kiss the top of my head, intertwining our fingers. I can't help but smile. I love it when he's like this. I know if it was anyone else I'm not sure they would be right here with me. They would probably be more worried about their self. Harry is so different than that with me. He's always so worried about me. That's nothing new though. It's just been a little worse since I told him I'm pregnant.

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