Chapter 51

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Ashlyn's POV

After a week of Harry being in the hospital they are finally letting him come home. I'm happy about it. Our house has pretty much been empty since he's been there. I've stayed every night at the hospital with him. I know that's where I should have been. I came home every couple days to check the mail, showering and grabbing whatever else we needed. After a few days Harry really started complaining about being there. I know he just wants to relax at home. I don't blame him. Honestly that hospital bed was uncomfortable. We'll both be more comfortable once we're home. I'll stay home, taking care of him. I would rather do that than deal with other things. I really do need to get caught up with things at the studio. I haven't done anything with it since I got the call he was in the accident. Maybe I'll actually work on it once he's home.

Harry was already dressed, sitting on the bed as I packed up our bag. We're still waiting for the release forms. I felt him looking at me as I did. I'm not surprised though. He usually does whenever I do something. I made sure everything was packed before moving over to the bed, next to him. He softly pecked my lips, "You're so beautiful."

I smiled, "How are you feeling, babe."

"Do you want to know the truth?"


"I'm just really horny."

I guess I'm not surprised. This week has been awhile for us. I was not having sex in this hospital with him though. I shook my head, "Just wait till we get home."

He smirked a little bit, "Really?"

I nodded as the nurse walked in with the papers. She explained some restrictions to him but knowing him he probably won't really listen. She had the reminder of the doctor's appointment in two weeks to check everything to make sure he's fine. Harry signed the papers as the nurse looked at me, "You can go get the car. I'll just grab a wheelchair and we'll meet you out there."

I nodded, moving off of his bed. I softly pecked his lips before walking out of the room, towards the parking lot. I'm happy he finally gets to come home. Honestly I've missed sleeping in our bed. I mean I could have while he was here but I didn't want to be home without him. It just didn't feel right with him having to be here. I know he's ready to be home for other reasons. I get it though. It has been awhile for us. I'm sure he's going to bother me about making a doctors appointment soon. I know he's been wanting me to. I just don't want to sit through another doctor appointment without him.

I pulled my car up to the front of the building to find Harry already sitting out there. He has a small smile playing on his lips. I can tell he's ready to get be home already. The nurse helped him into the car, closing the door for him. He reached over, intertwining our fingers as I drove. This is a little weird. He's usually the one driving. I know he's not supposed to drive till after his appointment. I don't mind it. I feel like this is the least I can do for him after everything he's done for me.

It didn't take us very long to get home. I knew that it wouldn't though. I grabbed his bag before trying to help him inside. He didn't want it though. He seems to be doing fine. I just don't want him to over do anything. I really don't want him getting hurt more than he already is. We got up to our bedroom. He made his way over to our bed as I set down his bag. He smiled a little bit, "Come here, babe."

I can't help but smile, moving over so I was standing between his legs. I'm so happy we're finally back home. Mainly him. I didn't want to be here without him. Everything still looks the same as we left it a week ago. I felt him place his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him, "I've missed you, love."

"I've been with you everyday."

He chuckled, "You know what I mean."

I softly pecked his lips, "I don't want you to get hurt."

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