Part Ten

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Katherine POV

Peter looked startled, and I wasn't surprised. He thought I was back at the camp. And I wasn't. Because I strictly disobeyed his orders... I nearly cried. And then I actually did, because James dug the sharp end of his blade deeper into my neck. Peter drew his sword.

"Do you regret teaching me how to use a sword yet?" He asked, circling us like a shark.

"I regret ever helping you out of those god forsaken cells, and, most of all, I regret not leaving." Hook snarled.

"Do you regret Tigerlilly?" Peter snapped. That got Hook's full attention.

"Leave Tigerlily out of this-"

"Then leave Katherine out of this!" Peter retorted angrily.

"Peter, Kat, duck!" I heard somebody yell. Then, when I didn't obey the orders (something I seem to be making a sport of); my body made painful contact with the hard, wooden floor of the ship. I held my hand to my neck that was bleeding. But it wasn't too bad, like, I don't think it was life-threatening or anything. Besides, the medics at the camp were splendidly talented. I pulled myself up with the help of Peter, but I had temporarily lost the strength in all my muscles; and I had to lean on his abdomen, clutching the soft fabric of his shirt.

"Are you okay?" He asked, frowning.

"I think I'm alright." I croaked.

"You're bleeding." He stated, kneeling. I grappled for words but couldn't find any; instead; I burst out crying.

"I'm sorry!" I howled. Peter took my face in his hands, making me look at him.

"Katherine; I'm not angry at you." He told me. I stopped crying.

"You're... Not?"

"No. Well; just a little irritated. You could have just asked: I probably would have said yes." I admired the smoothness of his hands; and the silky-ness of his olive complexion.

"You said no harm would come to them!" Tigerlily yelled to Hook.

"You said you would lure them here!" He retorted angrily.

"I wouldn't betray my prince, and an innocent girl to a pirate!"

"Well, in doing so you betrayed someone else!" I honestly thought he wouldn't do it; but just like that; his sword closed the space between them. She deflected it with her knives; just in time.

"Peter, Kat; leave." Tigerlily ordered. Neither of us moved. "Now!" She yelled. Peter grabbed my waist; and we shot up into the air.


The medics took care of my wounds; while Peter and I anxiously awaited Tigerlily's return. When she did return, she wandered off to her room in the midst of a deep depression.

"So it's the last battle tomorrow?" I asked Peter as he lay on his bed.

"I guess it is." He replied, sighing.

"What is it?"

"Do you want to fight? Or to stay here?" He offered, as if every word pained him.

"I want to fight." I answered, predictably.

"Then I don't want to be the one who tells you you can't. Just... Look out for yourself."


"Katherine." He cut me off, sitting up. "I don't know what I would do without you. Please don't make me." I strode over and sat beside him.

"I promise." He wrapped his arms around me.


Neverland's dawn sky was the color of blood.

"Some say when the sky goes red like this, it means that someone's gonna die." Nibs warned. "Maybe you should stay here at the camp." He suggested.

"No. I'm going to fight." I insisted. "Where's Peter?"

"He's at his thinking spot. What's the betting he's thinking about you?" Nibs replied. I ignored the comment for all it was worth, and went to Peter's thinking spot.

Peter's thinking spot was a tall tree; when you were in the highest branches, you can see all of Neverland spread out below you. I flew up to the highest point where I knew Peter would be.

"Katherine!" He nearly fell off his branch; or, he would have, if he couldn't fly.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." I apologized.

"You didn't." He lied.

"Sure." I teased. "You weren't afraid at all."

"Shall we go down just incase I decide to fall again?" He suggested. I nodded.

"I'll race you! Three, two, one!" By the time we reached the jungle floor, we were laughing hysterically.

"Katherine?" He asked after a while of silence.

"Yes, Peter?"

"What would you say if I told you that I love you?" I was pretty shocked at this statement;  but I answered truthfully.

"I... I would tell you that I love you too." My life was playing out like a fairytale, only, we weren't Princess and Prince, we were Katherine and Peter; faeries. I stared at the ground, blushing uncontrollably. Peter lifted my chin up with the tips of his fingers.

"Neverland, is a place; a place where we will never have to grow up. A place where we can live together until forever ends, a place where we can have fun. A place, where we are free to do whatever we want. No grown ups can tell us what to do, or how to feel. Forget them, Katherine. Forget all the grown ups;stay with me, until forever ends." He whispered. Even as he spoke, I suddenly found it hard to picture Sister Christine and Sister Margaret. Had their dresses been navy blue? Or black? Had they looked like pinguines? Or was it leopards? My head spun, and I felt light as a feather; but it was a good feeling. A very good feeling. A feeling of forgetting the old, and welcoming the new. I was never going back, until forever ended. Peter drew closer, and I felt my heart race. Then he kissed me. Suddenly, I forgot who sister Christine and Sister Margaret even were.

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