back to buisness

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i woken up i saw liam zayn louis harry there only 4?haz explained my memo came back he said ive been in coma in 1months its ok i said ill be leaving the hospital tomorrow gemma is doing my hospital outing i ask liam wheres niall?zayn answerd it hes gone hes not showing up for 1weeks liam gaved me this letter

Dear casey,
im not showing up until you woke up in your comma sorry about our date il be back soon i know you have amnesia after you stab your self great you didnt die were touring at the 3country that you suppose to tour im not touring with them im little bit sick im not showing up cus id let you move on on me so you wont remember me taylor said you dont want to remember me and she told me you have many probs im not with you anymore be strong casey i think our friendship will be broken id always be in your heart waiting to you to find me again i dont want to showup cus id let you move on and do your or contiue your carerr its not over casey simon explained it to reporters simon explained this"there having fun its not dating its just a stupid dare of niall"back again to me casey im letting you forget me even recording,and touring im staying away from you hazza didnt wished it i did it for our sakes... id be showing up after the 3 tours to the fans not to you thats why id let you know im happy to be alone your alone and happy were the same id like to say all i have to say in this letter is thankyou goodbye im sorry

                                                                                                              niall who hurted your feelings

weeks past ive been reading nialls letter everyday im leaving the hospital today and back to buisness harry twitted again
@harry styles:hey haters,basher are you happy casey is sick but she recoverd after 1month pls if you have probs to her just pass it to me shes only been 1year to her carerr and pls let casey back to buisnes X...      #Happywelcomebackbuinesscasey!mydearcousintakecaredontcareaboutthebasherhaterssowhatever(≧∇≦)
back to buisness again ive been realsing some of my new albumbs again i toured at ireland「mulingar」 never ..maybe

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