Update to Transparency's Chapter Release Schedule!

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Regardless if you noticed or not, I'll still say it- there wasn't a chapter uploaded to Transparency yesterday.

No, the story's not dying. I only have five chapters or so left to write before it's complete- I gotta get there so I can get there and say I actually completed a fanfic! Amazing, considering how long I've been writing, I haven't actually completed anything.

Anyway, back to Transparency! There are two reasons why I didn't upload a chapter today. One, I was lazy and didn't have a Splatoon-related picture to post on DrawCast. Yeah, I know. Stupid! Second, I've actually been thinking of something for a while...

And that is another day to the update schedule! Typically, I update the story on Tuesdays, but  the thing is, the story is going to be twenty-seven to twenty nine chapters long upon completion. That's half a year! I wouldn't fully upload all of the story until June, which is kind of drawn out for a short novella about squids and kids.

So, thusly, there's gonna be changes. As of tomorrow, Transparency will update on Wednesdays and Saturdays! That way, the story will wrap up earlier, I can push myself to complete, and also I can focus on whatever I'm gonna write next.

Thanks for looking, and see you all this evening!

-RancidRoost, ThisWorld, Thistle, whichever one is most likely to be the password to Fort Knox

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