It Starts Again chapter 1: New Pair of Girls

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Stanley and Stanford were both 8 1\2 months pregnant, and have been on a 24 hour watch by their wives. They both found out they were going to have little girls, and have already chosen names. For Carla and Stanley, their daughters name is Starla Stanford Pines. And for Ford and Madison, their daughters name is Stella Stanley Pines.

The two men were sitting on the couch, watching re runs of some TV show. Ford was worrying because he didn't feel a kick from Stella, and Stanley had observed his brothers behavior.

"Hey, you alright bro?" Stanley asked, and Ford shook his head.

"No, I haven't felt a thing from Stella all day! What if some things wrong with her Stanley?" Ford asked, his six fingered hands on his outstretched stomach.

"Ford, I'm sure she's fine. Oof!" Ford looked at his brother with concern.

"Stanley? Are YOU okay?" Ford asked, and Stanley chuckled, rubbing his stomach.

"Yeah, she just kicked me really hard, don't worry Sixer, I'm fine." Ford smiled, but that quickly faded when he felt extreme pain in his abdomen.

"Stanford? What's *groan* oh fuck. Ford, I think this is it." Stanley said, but Ford started panicking.

"But its too early! What if something goes wrong?! What if? What if?" Stanley covered his brothers mouth.

"Bro, they'll be fine, I'm sure of it, now, how's about we get Madison and Carla, and we have these kids." Stanley said, and Ford nodded.

"Carla! Madison!" Ford yelled, and in a heartbeat, those two were in the living room faster than you can say apples.

"What's wrong? Is it time?" Madison asked, while Carla was by her husband's side. The two men nodded.

"Yep, but they aren't that bad right now, so I think we've got some time before it gets really bad." Stanley said, and Carla squealed with joy.

"This is it! We're finally gonna meet our little Starla!" Carla exclaimed, and kissed Stanley with joy.

They waited for 5 hours, and still nothing happened.

Stanley and Ford's contractions were very strong, but their waters still haven't broken yet.

Carla and Madison stayed by their sides. Each contraction they would squeeze the women's hands.

"Ugh? How much more do ya have to make me suffer Star?" Stanley asked his stomach.

They all heard rushing water, but didn't see any, until they looked at Fords pants.

"Not long for me!" Ford yelled, and again, the rushing water sound came back, and this time, it was in Stanley's pants.

"Or me!"

Both wives shot up and ran to the kitchen,and bathroom. Carla got a pot, filled with cold water, and a washcloth, along with rubber gloves, 2 pairs. Madison brought 4 towels, all white, and 2 blankets.

"Alright guys, do you remember the birthing position?" Madison asked, and the two nodded.

"Good, cause first of all, you're both going to have to take your pants off." Carla said, and Stanley frowned.

"Carla, now is not the time." He said.

"No, so you can get the baby out." She said, and Stanley nodded.

After an hour of the waiting game, the time had come for the fun part. Pushing.

"Alright guys, on the next contraction, you're both going to have to push with all you got. Alright?" Madison said, and both men nodded tiredly.

They pushed, and both women smiled.

"Great job guys! Heads almost out! Just another big push and then it should be smooth sailing." Carla said.

They continued to push until it got to the point where the wives could just pull the children out.

Starla cried, and Stella didn't.

"Why isn't Stella crying?! Is she okay? Did I do something wrong?" Ford asked frantically, and Madison laughed.

"Honey, she's fine, she's a good color, she's breathing, I guess she's not dramatic like her cousin." Madison said, wrapping the infant in a white blanket, and handed over the child to Ford.

"Oh my god, she's perfect." Ford said, looking at her tan skin, and brown and red hair. Stella pulled out one of her hands, and Ford gasped.

"What is it Ford?" Carla asked.

"She has 6 fingers." Ford whispered. "Like me."

Stanley was handed over his daughter, who was sleeping peacefully.

"There you are, out little Starla." Stanley said, kissing her head, which was the same color as himself. Starla opened her eyes, showing two different colors, brown on the inside of the pupil, and blue on the outside of the brown layer.

"She has two colors around her eyes." Carla said, and Stanley nodded.

"Both of ours."

"Well, you two better get some sleep, you need it." Madison said, and took Stella from Ford, and Starla from Stanley's.

"Alright, fine." Stanley said, and crawled into his chair ans fell asleep.

Ford however, stayed awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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