"Bye guys,see you tomorrow "

"Sabrina are you still there" I asked once I was outside.

"Yeah,I put myself on mute" She said. Sabrina sure is smart.

"Why did you call me and not Bradley "

"You said you knew missy was going to do this"

"Well I knew she was going to get revenge, so what did she do or say to you"

"She threatened to hurt my friends and family if I didn't run away. She said I have to stay here for a month. Then I get to return,but wear a disguise. After another month I return as myself. I didn't think it was missy so I listened"

"Then come back home. Show her your not afraid of her. We will protect you. Also we can take care of ourselves. Don't worry and just come back"

"You really think I should?"

"Yes,I do"

"I don't know"

"I'll even come and pick you up"

"Ok,I'm at the Hamilton hotel in rosewood"

"Ok,I'll come right away"

"Ok,thanks Rowan. You really are a true friend"Hearing her said that made me really happy. She still thinks of me as her friend. I ran back to Bradley's house to borrow his car.

Sabrina's POV

"So I hear Rowan is going to come to your rescue" Oh shoot missy heard everything.

"Um.. Um" I was speechless.

"Stop flattering yourself. We are leaving now" What? I can't leave." There is a limo waiting outside for you. He knows where he is taking you. You on the other hand wouldn't know. And you will be staying here for two months now. Try to get rescued again, you will stay another month" I had to listen to her. I don't know what else to do.

"Fine. Take me to the limo"

"You can keep your real phone since I put a different address then where you really are. I know what it is like to miss people. You get to look at pictures. I'm not that mean" Missy said tearing up.

"Come with me. Get to change to who you used to be. You used to be extremely sweet. Don't think I forgot the little girl version of you. Come with me please"

"Fine,lets go. But once we get your disguise on,we are going shopping"

"Now that's the missy I know" She smiled her little girl smile. I grabbed her hand and ran is out to the limo. It looks extremely cool in the inside. She still remembers what I like. Favorite color,animal,and candy. 

"You remembered?"

"How can I forget. You were the best thing that happened to me"

"Then why are you doing this to me and my friends?"

"I'm not jealous because of you and Bradley. You and him are really cute together. I don't even like him. I'm just mad at your gang for taking you away from me. Me and you were the best of friends. Nobody could stop us or get in the way. Until you meet Rowan,Bradley,Corey and Peyton. You probably think I'm just being a selfish baby"

"I don't think that. I think I was the good influence on you. Without me,you are pretty evil. But when I'm without you,I'm a goody-goody. We both influence each other"

"Take us home driver" 

"No,don't. Take us to a hotel. Let us be friends again. Let's start over. Okay"

"Listen to Sabrina. She is a good influence"

Rowan's POV

I have been running to Bradley's house. I'm finally here. 

"Bradley. I need to borrow your keys now. It's an emergency" I said as I ran inside.

"What's the emergency?" Shoot,I can't tell him.

"It's private. Please. I don't have a lot of time"

"Fine. But don't damage it"He threw me the keys and I ran into his car. I need Sabrina back. I've been trying to call her,but she won't answer. I'm scared. And I'm at the hotel. I ran inside and ran up to the room she told me she was staying at. I walked in since the door wasn't open. I looked around and there was nothing here. Except a note that read

I'm not running away. I just need some time by myself. I love you guys. But please don't come after me. I'll come back soon. I promise~Love Sabrina❤️🙂.

I took a picture of it and walked out. Why does she want time to herself? I thought she was happy. I just really hope she keeps her promise. Bradley will be  devastated. I got back to his house.

"Rowan. What's wrong?" Bradley asked me when I got in. I just showed them my phone. I couldn't get myself to say anything.

"Was that the emergency. You needed to get Sabrina. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to get your hopes up,if she did something like this"I pictured this.

Bradley POV

When Rowan showed me the note from Sabrina. It made my heart break into a million pieces. Thoughts kept running through my head. Some were good some were bad. I didn't know what to do. The other boys came over after Rowan told them. Rowan was crying worse than I was. None of us knew how to handle this.

Sabrina's POV

We went to this really cute apartment. Apparently she stayed here when she visited. Since her dad lives here she comes a lot. But they didn't have enough room.  So he bought her the apartment next to it. It was really cool.

"I'm gonna go ask my dad if we can go shopping. Wanna come?"Missy asked right when we got inside.

"Sure" I followed her into her dad's apartment.

"Hey dad. I have a visitor. And we are going to stay here for about a month" Her dad came out and his eyes went wide of surprise.

"Sabrina. I haven't seen you in ages. How have you been? And ok sweetie you can stay for about a month,but that's it"He said as he walked over to hug me.

"I'm fine. Thanks" I haven't see him in forever.

"We are going shopping. Can we have money?" Missy asked getting annoyed.

"Sure here sweetie."He gave me and missy two credit cards.

"Um. I can't take this"

"It's an extra we give every time missy goes shopping" He keeps two credit cards for missy. Wow. Missy pulled me by my arm and we ran outside.

"Okay. If you are going to stay here. You need to change something"

"I could redo my hair"

"Okay. Let's go"

We were shopping forever. I couldn't even realize myself. But I look pretty good with my changes. I almost forgot about my gang at home. I told my parents and sisters I was staying with missy. I also told them not to tell the gang where I am. I need time for me and Missy. I love it here anyways. I don't think I ever want to leave. This place is perfect.


So what do you think? I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. I will make a new over the weekend. Thanks for reading.

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