Chapter 9

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Sabrina's P.O.V.

"Sabrina, you got the job. You start tomorrow."

I'm so happy. I sent in a video of me singing because I want to grow up as a singer. My biggest inspiration is Adele. I can't believe I actually got the job. I have been doing covers on my YouTube channel since I was a little kid. All night I was thinking about tomorrow. But I have to get a good sleep for tomorrow. I sure hope I don't mess up. I have to make a good impression.


I woke up around seven, almost forgetting about today. I hopped into the shower and took a good five minute shower. When I got out I put on a blank tank top and jeans. I put on concealer,mascara and a little bit of eye liner. I decided to keep my hair down and curled it a bit. Next I know it is eight,I have to be there at eight thirty. I decided to just walk there. It was only fifteen minutes away. I never even told my sisters I sent a video or got accepted.

"Hello Sabrina,I'm Mrs.Johnson. I will be your manager."( Made up name)

"Hello Mrs.Johnson."

"You get to have a lot of fun here when you are not recording. Do you have any songs that you wrote."

"Actually yes I do. The name is Can't Blame A Girl For Trying."

"Can we hear it."

Here I am again, the same old situation 

Why does the guy thing have to be so complicated 

I should have played it cool, instead I made a fool

Oh,the things I do

Cause I'm young and I'm dumb

I do stupid things when It comes to love

And even if I always end up crying 

Well, you can't blame a girl for trying ,oh oh

No,you can't blame a girl for trying,oh

I should have shut my mouth,I could've keep it quiet

I might have freaked him out cause I was so excited 

But I just couldn't wait, I took a leap faith

Oh,the things I say

Cause I'm young and I'm dumb

I do stupid things when it comes to love

And even if I always end up crying

Well,you can't blame a girl for trying ,oh oh

No,you can't blame a girl for trying,oh no no

And I think sometimes I tend to be my own worst enemy 

And maybe someday

I'm gonna catch a shooting star falling out of the blue 

Do what I do

And just as I'm giving up,my heart is palpitating 

Here comes another one and it's so intoxicating

Being where I've been I know that in the end

I'll do it all again

Cause I'm young and I'm dumb

I do stupid things when it comes to love 

And even if I always end up crying 

Well,love will find me, there ain't no denying 

That you can't blame a girl for trying,oh oh

No,you can't blame a girl for trying,hm oh

Applause. "Wow Sabrina that was really good"

"Thanks Mrs.Johnson"

"Call me Erica dear. Can you come tomorrow?"

"Sure,what time?"

"Around 1,tomorrow we are going to record your song."

"Can't wait,see you then"

"Bye Sabrina "

"Bye Erica"

I can't believe it. Pretty soon my song will be on the radio. I'm going to keep it a secret from my family and friends. I forgot my phone was off. When I went one it there was five from Sara, two from Rowan and four from Bradley. I went to Sara's first

Sara: Sabrina where are you!?!?

Sara: Sabrina answer your phone!!!

Sara: Me and Shannon are worried sick!!!

Sara: Hello?!?

Sara: Text me!!!

Me: I'm on my way home,geez! Then I looked at Rowan's 

Rowan: Sabrina you were supposed to meet me at the mall!!

Rowan: Obviously something more important came along!!

Me: I'm so so so sorry, I totally spaced! Then I looked at Bradley's

Bradley: Morning Sabrina.

Bradley: Sabrina where are you?!?

Bradley: Your sisters are worried sick!!

Bradley: Go to your house right away!! I didn't really bother to text back. Peyton just texted me. That is really weird.

Peyton: Hey Sabrina 

Me: Hey Peyton,gtg ttyl


After a couple of minutes,I was home.

"I'm home" I screamed so loud.

"Finally, where have you been?" Shannon came running down the stairs.

"I took a walk around town" I totally lied.

"Next time tell us" Sara told me,suppressingly not asking more questions.


"I can tell she is lying" Obviously Shannon didn't know I could still hear them.

"I know,but we have to let her slide. She can't know about the Bradley thing" Sara responded to her. What the heck is "the Bradley thing"? I need to ask them,but I'm gonna wait till later to ask them. I need to write another song.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I probably will only be able to write on weekends. I decided to add drama. I mean what good book doesn't have drama. Even though I don't think this is a good story. Comment what you think. Love you. Have a good day/night.


Life of the carpentersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora