Name poems

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 My name is a girl crying

My real name is a shattered heart

My heart says my name is nothingness

My mind says my name is a girl who will make it

My toe says my name is a clumsy girl who keeps hurting me

Secretly, I know my name is someone who wants love

My name will be the laughter of a child

 My name is the popping noise of a soda can

My real name is the crack noise of a arm braking

My heart says my name is being repaired

My mind says my name is someone who knows pain

My ear buds says I help a lot

Secretly, I know my name is the sound of a pencil on paper getting an education

My name will be the shocked face of people who thought I wouldn't make it  

Poems By A Depressed GirlDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora