The Day it All Changed

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The year is 840, and it's a bright, crisp, sunny day with a gentle summer breeze. My foster brother, Miku, and I were gathering wood for our house stove. Miku was fast asleep under a tree, probably having the same dream that kept him awake night after night. I kick his little frame and he awakes startled, tears threatening to spill out of his big, emerald eyes.

"Miku, you need to stop having that dream. The walls here protect us, the Titans cannot come through here." I say to him. He looks at me with disbelief and scoffs.

"How do you REALLY know that for sure, Connie?” He angrily questions me. "How do you really know that one day they won't come knocking down this wall and devour every last one of us? It will be just like my dream. I watch everyone I love being eaten before my eyes, and their blood splatters on my body. As much as I want to join the Recon Corps and rid the earth of the scum, the Recons can't do too much in the state they are in."  He gets up and I follow, and we start walking towards the center of town. We end up hearing the bells toll, which signal that the Recon Corps are back.

The Recon Corps are a special elite team that go outside the wall and keep the Titans at bay, which kills them in the process. Miku has been wanting to join for some time now, yet I won't allow him to, as it is my job to keep him safe. We stand on a stool and watch the Corps come back into the wall, Miku having a huge smile on his face as they came back.

Yet, when he notices Commander Erwin looking at him, and sees the soldier's blood soaked uniforms, his smile quickly fades into a saddened, terrified look. We took in the scenery before us. Every member was soaked from head to toe in someone's blood. Their uniforms were ripped and they seemed to be fewer in number. The look on every ones face was beaten, broken and like they were ready to give up any second. A frantic old woman was looking for her son, who was in the Corps when they left. One of the Elites gave the old women her son's arm, as they said that's all they could salvage. She burst into hysteria, while the Corps continued to walk on.

Once the Recon Corps left, everyone was free to go back to whatever they were doing; we decided that we really needed to head home now. When we arrived home, Miku dumped the wood into the basket and sat down, waiting for food as mom prepared it.

"Where are you going this time, Dad?" Miku asked my adoptive dad, since it seemed he was preparing to leave again.

"I have to travel to the next wall over. It seems they have a patient who needs extreme medical care." He replies in a soft tone, " I will be home in two or three days tops. Mom then sets out our food, and we all begin eating. As we were about to finish, I bring up what needed to be brought up ever since he said something.

"Miku wants to join the Recon Corps." I say. If looks could have killed, I would have been dead 20 times over.

"Connie! How could you? I told you to keep that a secret!" Miku screams at me, yet I barley flinch at his anger.

"I will not have my son join something that he would die for! I will not allow it! It's too dangerous!" Mother screams at him. Father ends up leaving the table, bidding us farewell and leaving for his boat. Miku runs outside to call for him back, but he just simply says "No one has control over your curiosity, Miku."

He runs down some alley way, with me chasing after him. His mother was shouting at him to come back, when we came face to face with a familiar old friend of ours, Armin, getting beaten up by a couple of douche-bag thugs.

"Stupid punk, you think you can pick fights with us?" The leader said

"I'm not scared of you!" Armin spat. He's a good kid, but he'll get himself killed. The leader punched Armin and he went down like a brick. Miku and I had enough.

"Armin!" Miku yelled. He starts running, and I silently follow behind him, like a swift ninja ready to kill. The second the guys see me and they run away, knowing I'd rip them to pieces.

"Ha-ha! I knew they'd be scared when they saw this" Miku says as he tries to show off.

"Er, they were actually scared of Connie.." Armin trails off, and Miku falls with a stunned look. I laugh and try to help Armin up, but he brushes my hand away. "I'm okay, Connie. I got it" he mummers. He stands up and starts walking to the river's edge to where we follow him. He sits down on top of the fence and breaths a sigh of relief. We sit next to him, ready to forget what happened and move onto something nice.

"So, Miku. Did you ask your parents about joining the Corps?" Armin ask. He too wants to join, only to protect his family and others.

Miku shoots me a dirty look and says "Yeah, but they weren't too happy about it."

Armin sighs, knowing that his best friend won't be joining him. He looks up into the sky, and with a horrifying look on his face. He gets up quickly; not hearing our shouts as we follow after him. He arrives in the center of town, looking up to the sky it seems. Miku tries to talk to him, only for both of us to follow his gaze up towards to the wall. 

This can't be happening. This isn't real! No no no! This isn't suppose to be happening!

The Titans are back;  Miku was right all along.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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