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I have been meaning to write a new chapter (I'm in the middle if one tbh) but I don't know exactly what to do... I have the end written up because I know how it ends and I have most of what leads up to it but I need to get your opinion on this:

Should I add a filler chapter well I finish the one I'm writing?

So cast your votes and I'll see what I can do.

~Agent Nevada.

(P.S. The picture is a screen cap that someone took of urban dictionary, the entry was added because of a episode of the Rooster Teeth game show 'On The Spot' I suggest you guys watch it if you don't mind listening to a bunch of idiots talking yelling arguing and swearing. It's a few hours of fun.

(P.P.S. You know how white boys be all up at the disco?)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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