26- You Find Out He's Ticklish

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Sorry about my updates! I need more imagine ideas, so if you have one, let me know! Btw, I need to know what type of stuff y'all want more of! Thanks, love ya ❤️

Frodo: It was fairly late into the night, and everyone else, save for Legolas, was asleep. You have been lying down for a little, but haven't fallen asleep yet. You feel Frodo shake your shoulder. "(Y/N), I can't sleep." He says in a barely audible whisper. You turn around and look at him. Wiping the sleep from your eyes, you can tell that he is restless. "What do you want me to do?" You ask. "I don't know. A friend of mine in the shire said that if he can't fall asleep, he has someone rub his back. I'm not sure if that will work on me though." He says, a little awkwardly. "Alright, it wouldn't hurt to try." You say with a smile. He turns on his side so his back faces you. You start out with gently massaging his back, and he visibly relaxes with a sigh. "Ok, I'm going to change pressure if that's alright." You say, getting a mod in return. You switch to light scratching, and run your hands over his small back. You feel his slim frame tense up as you bring your hand to his side. "Are you alright?" You ask. You get another sleepy nod in reply. You continue and when your hand connects to his side he jumps with a muffled yelp. "Have I hurt you?" You fake concern, because you know the true meaning behind his reaction. "No, I'm just.....sensitive there." He replies sheepishly. "Alright. I'll stay away from your sides but when everyone wakes up I may just have to test your sensitivity." You say with a playful smirk, and continue to rub his back until he falls asleep.

Sam: You have been staying with Sam for a short while, as your town was destroyed, and he offered. You were teaching him about earth games, and you decided to play Truth Or Dare. "Ok Sam, truth or dare?" You ask. "Truth." He said, smiling. You hit your knee in mock frustration. "Damn! I had a very good dare! Ok, I have a truth. Are you ticklish?" He looked surprised that you had asked him that, and he flushes a little bit and looks nervous. "Of course not. Hobbits aren't ticklish." He says, hoping to convince you. You eye him suspiciously and he subconsciously moves his hands to cover his stomach, trying to make it look nonchalant. "Hmmm. I don't believe you." You say as you pounce on him. You straddle his waist and pin his hands above his head with one of your hands. He let out a Yelp as you did so. "Please don't. I can't take it!" He exclaims, wiggling as much as your position allowed him to. "I think I am going to do it anyway." You say, bringing your hands down on his stomach. He immediately bursts into laughter, squirming wildly. You tickle him for about a minute, then get off him. "See, I knew you were ticklish.

Merry: You were playing tag in a field, and you were chasing after him. You catch up and tackle him. Both of you out of breath and smiling like idiots, you look down at him. "What to do with you now? Are you ticklish?" You ask. His eyes fill with panic and he nods his head frantically. "No" "I think you're lying." You say and tickle him. Turns out, he did lie.

Pippin: You were talking to each other in a tree, and he was sitting on the branch above you, his feet dangling in front of you. "Pippin if your feet hit me again.." You say, dodging another accidental kick. "What will you do? You won't hurt me." He said, and you could hear the smirk. He kicked again, this time, you caught his foot by the ankle. "Hey! What are you doing?" He exclaimed. You ran a finger down the sole of his foot, and he started giggling. "Stop it!" He pleads. You stop, and he his down from the tree and takes off running.

Boromir: You two were training, and you were practicing with fake arrows. You accidentally shoot him in the foot, causing him to wince and shout, "Ow!" You run over to him, worried. You sit down next to him. You successfully take the arrow out without causing any major damage. It didn't go all the way through. "Here, let me bandage it." You say, taking his foot in your hand. You bandage his foot, and place a little adhesive on the bottom of his foot. He jumps when your hand comes in contact with it. "Have I hurt you?" You ask. "No" he says. "That just tickled." He said, standing up. You help him walk back inside the house.

Aragorn: The two of you were fake fighting, and you were going to try to flip him, the way he taught you. You put your hands on his sides, preparing to flip him. Instead of trying to get away, he giggles. Aragorn aka strider, King of Gondor, just giggled! "Was that a giggle?!" You ask, in fake shock. "Would you just flip me already? And move your hands!" He said, squirming a little. You keep your hands on his sides, but flip him anyway. He lands in his back with an "oof", but gets back up. "Good job. I have to teach you a different way to flip people." He says with a laugh. You laugh and keep fighting.

Legolas: Your relationship consisted of mostly teasing and joking around, along with a few cuddle sessions now and then. He was teasing you about being ticklish, and he moved toward you. "I'm not the only one who's ticklish!" You exclaim, launching at him, and begin to tickle him. He louts out a loud laugh before he sinks to his knees, trying to push your hands away. You remain persistent, and eventually stop. He looks at you with a grin, and you take off running.

Gimli: You were messing with his beard, when your fingers brush his neck. He brings his shoulders up, with a little laugh. "Oh look! The tough dwarf man is ticklish!" You joke. He jokingly glares at you and you laugh. "Our of the whole fellowship, you're the least o would expect to be ticklish." You say to him, going back to what you were doing.

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