3- Legolas does your hair

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"Ow! That hurts!" You say as Legolas is brushing out your hair. There was a festival later that day, and you decided you wanted to do something special with your hair.
"When was the last time you brushed your hair?! There are more knots in here than I've ever seen!" Legolas says with a laugh.
you reach around yourself to poke him in the side, and he jumps with a squeak.
About five minutes passes by as Legolas brushes all the knots out, and you crack jokes at each other. This was the first festival you are going to, and he is your date. You think about dancing with the elf to your favorite songs and at the end, kissing him. Your thoughts are interrupted by him finally letting go of your hair.
"Done! Wow your hair is long!" Legolas exclaims as you stand up to look in the mirror. You turn around to see your (H/C) hair has grown down to your waist, and it looked good with all the knots brushed out.
"Wow.." You say, as you are almost rendered speechless.
"What do you want me to do now?" Legolas asks, reaching for the hair ties you have.
"You can braid it any way you want. Surprise me." You say, sitting back down. 
"Oh I will" he says, and you can hear the smirk when he says that.
It's been like an hour! What are you even doing?" You say, getting a little impatient but excited, as it had to be good if it took this long. He gets up, and runs out of the room, and you stay as still as possible, trying not to mess up whatever he was doing. About 10 minutes later, he comes back, and starts putting something in you hair.
"Done. Do you like it?" He asks.
You get up and look at it in the mirror, sand are blown away completely.
"Oh my..." Is all you can say.
Your now knot-free hair is in elegant and elaborate looking braids that cascade down the length of your hair, each section that intersects has a flower woven into it, and it looks beautiful.
"This is incredible!" You say as you run over to Legolas and jump into his arms. He picks you up and spins you around, then puts you back down.
"Beautiful hair for a beautiful woman." He says, smiling.
Once the festival came around, you were wearing an elegant dress that Tauriel had lent you, so apparently this celebration was a big deal. You hear a knock on your door.
"One minute!" You say, as you pull the sleeves of the dress on, but not able to zip up the back. You open the door and Legolas is standing there, wearing the same outfit he wore to Aragorn's coronation.
"You look amazing" he says, walking in, and fixing your hair a little.
"Thanks. You do too." You respond.
"Can you help me zip up this dress?" You ask him.
"Sure." He does as you asked, and then turns you around and looks at you, his bright blue eyes almost glowing.
"Ready to go?"
You both walk out and to the festival, and it was just as good as you thought it would be.

Lord Of The Rings Imagines And PreferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora