The Reflecting God

Start from the beginning

*Venice's POV*
Dad asked me if I would mind going to get groceries since mom and Eve would be gone longer due to traffic.
I called Jordan to see if he could drive me because it was raining. I'm terrible at driving in the rain.
10 minutes of fumbling around on my guitar later, the door bell rang.

"Hey Ven" he says, embracing me.

"Hey" I say muffled in his chest.

The ride to the closest Kroger was filled with shitty Smashing Pumpkins impersonations.

I pull out the list dad gave me and wander around the store, adding things I wanted as well.

"Need any?" I joked as we walked past the condoms.

"Possibly," Jordan laughs and grabs a box.

We continue around the store, ready to check out.

"Shit. I forgot Eve's almond milk."

I leave Jordan in the line and run to find the milk. I grab the last carton and run back.

We check out and go back to his truck.

"My place?" He questions.

I nod. "Sure"

*Twiggy's POV*

Eve and I pulled into the garage, and she grabbed the containers of cake and ham that mom sent. That woman thinks we are starving to death sometimes I swear.
"Honey, we're home!" I called, walking into the kitchen. Venice looked up from putting away groceries from Kroger bags.
"Hey mom," she said calmly and went back to putting away the food. There was obviously a hickey on her neck, and her hair didn't hide it anymore. The hair didn't phase me.
"So," I said, "When did you get that hickey?" She dropped the jar of salsa she was holding and it shattered into pieces, getting salsa all over the tile floor.
"I, um, ah, today..." Ven answered blushing. Eve handed me a broom, a dust pan, and a towel from under the kitchen sink, which I then handed to Venice who was still standing right where she was.
"Please tell me you guys used protection," I mumbled as I walked upstairs to Brian and I's room.

*Marilyn's POV*

I was watching a Stephen King movie marathon with Charlie on my stomach when Jeordie walked in.

"Hey hun," he said sweetly plopping down next to me on the bed.

"Hey," I practically wispered in tranquility, while focused on petting Charlie.

"Awe you like Charlie" he mocked.

"No I don't." I got defensive. I actually loved this cat. He reminded me of my old cat.


"Shut up."

Jeordie started to play with Charlie's tail. Charlie growled, got up, and left to find Eve.


"Hehehe. Sorry"

My train of thought was cut off when I heard Venice squealing in the door. I looked over to see a dog in her arms.

"CAN WE KEEP IT?!" She said with pleading eyes.

"What the hell is that? And where did you get it?" 

"Its a dachshund. I found it outside just wandering around the backyard."

"OH MY GOD HAND ME IT" Jeordie squealed.

"ITS SO CU-" he started before I cut him off.


"Oh um..." Venice's face turned bright red.

"Jordan," Jeordie started, "She said they used protection."

Her face turned a brighter red as she left the doorway, leaving the dog with us.


*Evianna's POV*

I sat on my bed and tried calling Jack again; it went straight to voice mail.
  "Hey! You've reached Jackson King. Sorry I can't come to the phone right now, but please leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as I get the chance!"
"Hey Jack," I started before my voice cracked, "Um, I miss you a lot. And Ven found a dog today. I hope you're alright. Please call me back whenever you get the chance. God, I miss you. Are you alright? Damn it I can't get an answer from your voice mail box. I-I love y-you Jackson. Be safe"
Charlie jumped up onto my bed, and started to lick himself. I reached out and scratched his ears because he liked it. I was pretty sure I ruined my makeup from crying, but oh well. It's not like I plan to go anywhere anytime soon.
"Hey Eve," Venice said walking into my room and sitting down next to me.  "Why were you crying?"
I shrugged, "It doesn't matter, I guess. Just, I haven't talked to Jack in a while, so, yeah. It's nothing anymore."
Venice sighed, "Do you wanna go play the Xbox? It'll take your mind off things for a while." I smiled and followed her down the stairs and into the living room.

*Venice's POV*
Me and Eve took turns playing Grand Theft Auto V until mom walked downstairs. Eve paused the game.

"Ven we can keep it as long as you promise not to sneak of to your fuckboy's house"

I felt my face flush again. He loves doing this to me doesn't he.

"Y-yes mom"

"So what do you want to name it?" He shot out brightly.

"Well is it a male or female?"



"I guess" mom said practically squeezing the life out of the tiny thing.

"Ven drive you and Eve to the closest animal store and by food and the other shit you need" Dad said sleepily walking down the stairs. Since he hasn't been drinking lately he's always tired.


"No visits or invites for fuckboy" Mom said setting the dog on the ground.


Dad throws his car keys towards me. I catch them and lead Eve out the door.

"You get to learn soon" I aim at her as I open the driver's door.

"Who's teaching me?" She said confused.

"Well mom taught me, so probably dad." I laugh. I can't imagine him teaching anyone how to do anything.


We arrive at the pet store.

"Can I get some stuff for Charlie?"


Eve walked off towards the cat isle.

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