First Date

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Freddy Krueger~ You sipped at the warm beverage, sliding back in your seat. Freddy had taken you to a coffee shop for your first date, suave jazz music playing in the back. He asked you about school, work, family, and things of the sorts to get to know you better. "What about you? You haven't told me anything about..well..showing up in my dreams." You asked. He shrugged, flashing you a smile with his sharp rows of teeth. "Long story short, I'm a force not to be reckoned with." His gruff, demonic voice chuckled. You shuddered under his intense stare when his calloused hand held yours gently. It was strange, seeing such a terrifying man be so gentle towards you. You continued to drink your coffee and listen to Freddy's chatter, his chuckle making your heart flutter every once in a while. Once it reached nine in the afternoon, Freddy finally walked you home. "I'm sorry doll, but I can't be haunting your sleep tonight. I've got other things to tend to. Sweet dreams." His hoarse voice cooed, waving goodbye as you shut the door.

Jason Voorhees~ You had finally returned to Camp Crystal Lake after two weeks of not being there, Jason tackling you into a hug the moment he saw you. You were dressed fairly nice, which made him assume that you were ready for your date. Which led to where you were now, in a small rowboat in the middle of the sparkling lake, the sunset surrounding you. Jason only looked down at his feet as your knees touched in the tiny space, still very shy around you. You didn't know what to do, so you decided to start up mindless conversation. "Beautiful, isn't it?" You asked, nodding towards the sky. Jason's heart pattered faster in his chest as he reached out, softly touching your cheek. It turned red quickly when Jason pulled away, resting his hand on your knee. You stayed in the boat until the stars shined in the inky sky, successfully forcing a few phrases out of Jason. After talking for a long time, he rowed you back and carried you out of the boat, setting you back on the ground. You kissed his mask face softly before leaving the camp.

Michael Myers~ You agreed to Michael's date happily, dressing in a lightly colored blouse. To Michael's surprise, you were waiting on your porch. His hands began to shake, he had never had a girlfriend before. In fact, you were his first. He greeted you with a wave as you jumped up and smiled. "Michael!" You exclaimed, happy to see him. You hugged him tightly before holding his hand, letting him walk you down the street. People avoided the two of you as you strolled down the sidewalk together. "Where are we going?" You asked him. He gazed down at you for a moment before looking back up, walking you a little faster. After a bit of silence, you saw that the two of you were approaching the local cinema. You smiled, happy with his decision. He bought two tickets to an old showing, a classic horror movie in your favor. Once you were settled in your seat, a box of candy in hand, you snuggled up to Michael, his arm draping around your shoulders. You had your own little area in fact, no one dared come near you in the dark theatre.

Ghostface~ You covered your frame in a short red dress, ready for Ghostface to accompany you. You weren't sure where you were going, but thought that it was still pretty sweet of him to take you out. After twenty minutes, there was a knock on the door. You opened it to see a teenage boy with dark eyes, light messy hair, and an impeccable jawline. "Hello?" You asked, not sure who it was. "Hey YN." He chuckled, fixing the collar on his shirt. "Ghostface?" You asked, surprised by his appearance. "Yeah, but, most people call me Billy when I look like this." He chuckled. "Mind if I come in?" He asked. You blushed and stepped to the side, noticing that you were blocking the entry way. "I don't like people that much.." He started, beginning to play music on his phone before setting it on the coffee table. It was a slow, classical song. "I was wondering if out first date..could be here?" He asked. You grinned and nodded, stepping out of your pumps. He grabbed your hips and swayed you from side to side, pecking your cheek before you rest your head on his chest.

Leatherface~ Leatherface had picked you up around seven, a dandelion in his hand. You grinned as he slipped it behind your ear, softly tussling your hair. "Hi." You smiled as his eyes softened. He hooked his arm around yours, leading you to your date. After a while of walking, you arrived at a large Texas steakhouse, many people enjoying their meals. Leatherface nodded at the hostess as she smiled and grabbed two menus. "Reservation for Sawyer." He croaked out. "I'll show you to your seats." She declared, moving past the tables filled with people. The restaurant detected of the succulent meat and lit cigars. She sat you outside, the quiet, warm air filled with lightening bugs. You sat at one of the empty seats, still hearing music and voices from inside. "This is very sweet." You remarked, grabbing his hand from across the table. He blushed under his mask, talking to you about the move. You enjoyed the night very much, talking to him all throughout dinner, holding his hand, and even having him kiss your forehead when he left.

Hannibal Lecter~ You fixed your cocktail dress again, watching Hannibal pour you a glass of red wine. You had agreed to dinner at his house, which made him absolutely ecstatic. Music played throughout the room as a bowl of homemade meat stew was set in front of you. "My beauty, please tell me about yourself." He asked, even though he already knew everything there was about you. You set down your wine glass, shrugging. "Well, what do you want to know?" You asked. He thought for a minute, racing through his head what he didn't know about you. "Tell me about your childhood." He advised as you shuddered. You described the loneliness, you're father being imprisoned and your mother delusional. "I was homeless for a long time, until I was put for adoption when I was eight." You said, biting into a soft carrot. You enjoyed the intelligent conversation between you and Hannibal, and the delicious meal he had prepared for you. Although, you weren't very sure what it was..beef..pork maybe?

Norman Bates~ You smiled to yourself, laying your head on Norman's chest. Norman had taken you into the deserts of Arizona for a picnic, the hot sun beating down on you. He had packed sandwiches, a blanket, and an umbrella to help shield you from the heat. After you finished eating, you crawled into Norman's lap and cuddled him closely. "I t-think it's r-really cute when you do t-that." Norman said. You smiled at him, a twinkle in your eyes. "Do what?" You asked. He smiled, biting his lip before looking away. "Well, it's c-cute when y-you do this.." He explained, holding you tightly. "I t-think it's cute when y-you do anything a-actually.." He added. You blushed, burrowing your face into his chest. "You're pretty cute yourself, Norman." You giggled, his hand rubbing your back. "Norman?" You asked. "Hmm?" He answered as you played with the buttons on his crisp shirt. "You know how you said I don't make you feel so alone?" "Yeah, I r-remember." He replied. "Well, you make me feel the same exact way.."

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