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{2 weeks later}

Kali is planning another attack on the pack. So everyone's on high alert

I could already feel it today all hell will break loose.

"-- Derek where a you going?" I ask quickly

"Decallion attack Scott and Isaac, they need my help. Cora whatever you do, don't leave this house!" he say demandingly.

"But." before I could say anything else he was already gone.

I stood there frozen all I could think about was who was going to die. Then I feel my pocket vibrating, it's my phone. Stiles is calling me.

I answer "Hello?"

"Hello Cora." I hear a raspy woman's voice say roughly.

I didn't even have to think immediately know who it was.

"Kali. What do you want and why do you have Stiles' phone?" I say very demanding.

"Ohh Stiles, He's okay for now. But if you don't come to the abandoned bank in five minutes. I'll rip his throat out." She says like it's a game. I know she's toying with me but I don't care.

Anger is rushing out of me I could feel my claws coming out. 

I yell into the phone "If you hurt him, I will pull your tongue out of your head!"

She replies with her bitchy tone "I'd like to see you try, Omega."

She hangs up the call. I run downstairs and walk out of the house. I whisper to myself "Forgive me Derek." I know going to fight Kali will kill me but I can't let my best friend die.

I get the abandon bank. I rush inside not thinking about my safety just Stiles. I see him, Kali has her claws on Stiles' neck like she's ready to rip his throat out.  

I yell "Let him go now, I'm here! "

"Fine." She says as she throw Stiles against the wall, he hit his head causing him to knock out. I run towards Kali pushing her against the wall. I sink my claws into the side of her stomach. She screams while pushing me off and punching me in the face. I fall to the ground, hitting the floor so hard.  

Kali picks me up by the hair says "Your pathetic." while throwing me against the wall. 

As I get up she says "I might as well kill both of you. Your so pathetic and weak."

I hate being weak. It frustrates me not being able to help. Not being strong makes me feel useless. Rage fills up in my body. I can feel my body changing into werewolf form. I growl at Kali as she circles me like I'm her prey.

I jolt towards Kali throwing her on the wall. I attempt to slash her with every swing but she's to fast, she dodges all of them. She throws herself in the air and kicks me in the face. I feel the skin on my face rip open. I fall to the floor coughing up all the blood in my mouth. She picks me up like a rage doll and puts me against the wall holding me by my neck. I grab her arm, trying to support myself from choking.

She give my a cynical smile and says "Any last words, Beta?"

I spit in her face and smirk.

"Ugh, you little bitch!" Kali says while releasing me from her hold to wipe my blood off her face. Since she's distracted I saw an opportunity. There an old broken statue on the floor, If I'm fast and strong enough I could ram her against the sharp edge. With out any hesitation a jolt towards her ramming her against the broken statue. As she screams in pain she sink her nails the back of my neck. I feel it she is taking my memory away. I pull away and becoming dizzier and dizzier. Like the whole world is spinning. I turn towards Stiles and say nothing

 He gets up off the floor rubbing his bloody head and says "Cora are you okay?"

Every things getting so blurry I'm trying to walk up to Stiles but I feel so weak.  

"Stiles" I say softly but in that moment when I say those words I begin to fall. Stiles manages to catch me.  

"Cora! Please stay with me." he says with sadness in his voice. 

"Stiles.. It won't" I take a deep breath "It won't heal." I say, it's beginning to be so hard to talk. I swallow the blood in my mouth.

"Cora?" he says while stroking my hair touching my cheek.

I swallow the blood in my mouth and say "She took it."

"Took what?" he says 

My eyelids become heavier and every thing is fading away. I see Stiles. I try to talk back but the words just don't come out. I hear the voices still but I can't tell who they are.Then it hits me a wave of darkness.

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