~Imagine #45~

397 27 18

luvfordrawing85: "Can you do one where Mark and Matt miss each other, but they haven't seen each other in a long time, and then they bump into each other? I like those types of stories!"

[Sorry if I messed these up. I tried my best to go with your prompt, but...I may not have gotten it right at some parts.]

-Imagine: Matt having to go on a half year long business trip. Mark can't come. After a few days, you can see Mark's sanity start to falter throughout his videos. Then, by two weeks, the fans are genuinely concerned. When Matt swings by L.A. for his monthly visit they agreed to have during the trip, he says that he's back permanently now. Why cancel his trip? Well, let's just say the fans weren't the only worried ones...

-Imagine: A futuristic space AU where Mark and Matt are both forced to live on different planets. They miss each other to death, but sadly, they can't communicate. One day, however, Mark bumps into Matt on Matt's home planet. Before they can do their mushy greetings, however, Mark drags Matt into a high-speed galactical police chase. What did Mark do? You can decide. 

-Imagine: Mark and Matt had a lot of fun doing How To Beat A Monkey At Chess. Mark wanted to talk more, but sadly didn't have the time or courage to. It isn't until Matt bumps into him at a convention that they talked more. And Mark quickly finds he enjoys talking to Matt more than any of his other friends.

-Imagine: Matt went on a business trip awhile back, but never returned. Mark is severely worried, especially since Matt hasn't answered any of his calls or texts. One day, while lost in thought, Mark gets into a car accident and sadly passes. After he dies, he meets Matt in a white room. 

Mark: I told you, I was running errands!
Matt: You can't just be running errands for two years, Mark!

-Imagine: Mark tackle hugging Matt after Matt gets off of a plane (even though Matt's only been gone for six days...) [but that's a long time when it comes to loving relationships]

And that's all I can come up with for now :P

Comment prompts or AU's for me to do!

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