George's mouth is slick and warm against Matty's, simultaneously heating his blood and sending shivers throughout his limbs at the same time. George originally tastes of beer and smoke, which doesn't surprise Matty at all, but underlying that is a strong, clear flavor that Matty can't name, but it reminds him of how he feels when he curls up in one of George's t-shirts after a particularly rough day.

Just when Matty is beginning to lose himself in the sensations he's being assaulted with, George pulls back suddenly, his unexpected withdrawal causing Matty's chest to tighten as he forces himself to rock back on his heels instead of chasing George's mouth like he wants to.

"Sorry," George apologizes, confusing Matty even further with his words. "I alright?"

Matty doesn't trust himself to speak, because he honestly has no idea what idiotic ramblings will escape from him if he does. He can't seem to focus on anything besides for George's shiny, red lips for long enough to try and form a coherent answer, so instead, he goes for what appears to be the most logical option he has presented to him, locking his hands around George's neck as he all but drags the younger man back down harshly.

George reciprocates instantly, shoving Matty back against the unforgiving stone behind him as Matty tangles his fingers in George's wiry hair, tugging sharply as George claims his mouth without hesitation, ignoring the way his shoulder blades are starting to sting from being pressed back against the rough patches of the wall.

Matty's knees buckle as the kisses deepens, his body slipping down slightly until George digs his fingers into the spaces between his ribs, keeping Matty pinned in place as his tongue rubs against Matty's heavily.

Matty clutches to George for dear life as he forces himself to choke back the desperate whimpers that are lurking in the back of his throat, not wanting George to see how much this is affecting him, although that is pretty much a lost cause by this point. At least George seems into it as well. His large frame is bracketing Matty entirely, making sure he stays trapped as George sucks on his bottom lip lightly, his teeth nipping at the swollen skin in a way that has Matty physically trembling.

Matty needs to pull away for air, because he can't breathe, fuck - he can't even think, but his brain's commands aren't registering just yet. His head is spinning off of his shoulders, and only George's firm hold on his torso is keeping Matty grounded, otherwise he thinks he would somehow float away up into the glittering stars that suddenly seem so much brighter then they did only minutes ago when Matty catches a glimpse of them between slitted lids.

Matty is shocked by how badly he wants this - wants more. If George wasn't hindering his ability to speak, Matty is sure that he would be begging for George to slip his fingers underneath his blouse, to move from his mouth to his neck, to maybe remove his clothing entirely. The sudden onrush of intense desire has Matty wracked with fear. These out of control longings are something that Matty hasn't ever experienced with anyone else, and he hates the unknown, especially when the term involves George.

Matty snaps back to his senses when George inches closer to him, because he can feel his cock swelling in his jeans as George sucks on his tongue. He doesn't want George to notice it, doesn't want to admit that a stupid kiss has him hard and needy and desperate so quickly, so even though it physically pains him to do so, Matty forces himself to shove George away, disconnecting their mouths with a soft pop that sounds obscenely loud in the otherwise quiet air.

George's fingertips are still digging into Matty's side, scrunching up his sweater as he heaves for air. George doesn't appear to be nearly as affected as Matty is, he's just standing there grinning down at him with a smug look as he strokes Matty's sides absentmindedly.

"Good?" George chuckles darkly when Matty doesn't immediately speak up, and for one moment, Matty is tempted to slap the teasing lilt out of his voice, the subtle jab setting him even more on edge than he already is.

" was nice," Matty answers quietly, his arms wrapping around himself as soon as George stops brushing his hands against him.

"Nice?" George's eyebrows scrunch together as he takes one step backward, giving Matty some much need space with which to try and regain his composure. "You loved it," George smirks knowingly, and no matter how badly Matty wants to deny it, he can't.

"Fine, whatever," Matty huffs, eager to say anything to escape George's penetrating gaze, "you are a wonderful kisser George," Matty sneers, trying to add a heavy layer of sarcasm to his tone, even if his statement is nothing but truthfully.

George simply hums noncommittally, running his thumb across Matty's cheek once before Matty snaps his neck away harshly, hating himself for the deep blush that follows the path George's finger just took.

"We should probably head back." George shrugs when Matty stays silent, his feet shuffling uncomfortably against the dry grass as he waits for Matty to voice his agreement.

"I need another drink anyway." Matty's tone carries a venomous edge that he didn't intend to inject it with, but it's too late to take it back now, even though Matty sort of wishes he could when George's face takes on a slightly confused expression tinged with an underlying hint of pain.

Matty digs his shoulder against George's chest when he doesn't move quick enough for him, shoving past the taller man as he stalks back toward the house. He refuses to look behind his shoulder to see if George is following him, even though he knows he isn't since he can't feel George's familiar presence hovering near him anymore, which is what he wanted - right?

Actually - Matty has no idea what is going on with him, or why he is reacting so negatively to what was quite possibly the best kiss of his life, but he does know that he needs to get away, that he's got to think about this without George staring at him with those heavy-lidded eyes, or even better, he could simply find some more liquor and make it so he forgets about everything for a short time - yeah, that sounds like a much better plan.

Man I love this chapter.

Comments and votes are always appreciated.

I love you all xxx

- starr

Only You (Matty Healy/George Daniel)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara