Goes down in the court

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~Next day at school~
"Beep!!" Davin pressed on his horn.
"hurry up man we gon' be late" he said pushing his head out the window.

I locked up the house and ran to the car. Davin turned around and looked at me.

"What" i said looking at him raising my eyebrows.

"Where's ya manners, Taylor slapped it out of you?" he said laughing about the last part.

I glared at him "Man shut the fuck up" i said rolling my eyes at him.

"Im hungry, you hungry too bro?" I said as we were right across from Ihop.

"Child y you always hungry i know Momma T always be feeding ya fat ass"

"Ughh give me a break damn pull up over there"

He pulled up to Ihop and we went in and got breakfast real quick then got to school.

"Hey Diamond I heard about your break up with Taylor" Talisha, a hoe from my Chem class said licking and biting her lips and rubbing down my waist.

"Uh yea" i said moving her hand.

"I was just wondering if you'd like to...." she said then Taylor came interrupting.

"Umm can I talk to you?" Taylor said looking at me then mean muggin Talisha.

I hissed my teeth then walked off but Taylor held onto my wrist.

"Diamond please I-"

"I dont give a fuck what you want to say we are DONE for GOOD!" i said pulling my hands out of hers and drifting off.

She got me all fucked up and want to come talk shit to me. Pshhh she damn lucky. Ion give a flying fuck about her or her feelings. She clearly didnt give a fuck about mine when she disrespected me.

On my way to gym class I collided with the new girl.

"Sorry" i said helping her take up her stuff from off the floor.

"Um, its okay I wasnt looking where I was going" she said nervously looking down.

"Ayye you're too beautiful to be holding ya head down ma" I said lifting her chin up with my index finger and looking into her eyes.

"Your eyes are so pretty" I cooed.

She giggled, showing off her deep dimples.

Damn them dimples  though

"Im Diamond, but most people call me Dee"

"Im Stacy" she said shaking my hand with her tiny hand.

"So can I get ya number beautiful?" I said looking her up and down and rubbing  my hands together

"You like what you see? and why?" She said smiling a lil bit

I giggled "Yes I do" I said biting my lip "And  to  talk and I can get  to know you better, maybe take you out sometimes"

"Umm, why don't you give me yours?"

"ooh so its like that?"

"like what?" she said with a smirk

"Haha you think u cute don't cha?"

"yup and you clarified that a couple minutes ago" she said holding onto my chin and pouting her lips.

"I see you got jokes buhh okay" I said putting my number in her phone saved as Dee with cute love emojis.


I changed to my gym clothes then went up to my homies.

"Hey y'all " I said giving Davin, Chris and Shendii dap.

"hey sexy" I said hugging Asia and gripping her ass "Damn baby ya ass getting fat asf, who hitting that? I want a hit off that  ;)"

"That's none of yo damn business Dee, damn you such a hoe" she said pushing me playfully and flipping her hair.

I know what y'all thinking and no Asia and I aren't a thing she more  like a best friend to me. She my lil boothang

"alright lets start with 2 laps around the court then a friendly game of basketball" our coach said.

I was exhausted after that lap but basketball was my "A" game and I had to show em niggas who boss around here.

I was in team with Shendii(stem), Chris(guy), Hope(fem), Amber(stem) and Mickey(guy) and I was against Davin(guy), Asia(fem), Kera(stem), Malasia(stud) and Derrik(guy).

 "Okay ready!" coach said blowing his whistle signaling us to begin

Amber had the ball, she threw it to me and I caught it. Out of nowhere Kera goes slamming the ball outta my fucking hand  almost breaking my wrist.

"aye what tf man you almost broke my damn wrist" I said going up on her hella pissed.

"its called basketball learn to play" she said holding her hands in surrender

"coach are u seeing this shit that's happening right now"

"Language Diaz!"

I was hella pissed but I  had to control my temper or else I'd be suspended from the team.

Coach blew his whistle and we started again. My team was in the lead at 23- 19. My team members had mad skills and so did I. It was coming down to the last off and Kera and I were face to face. I had the ball and she tried tackling me for it and I spinned around shoot it to Shendii. Then Derrik came and tried to tackle the ball from her then she shoot it to Hope and Kera got the ball from her an Kera made a shot.

"No big deal" I said flashing my fingers, and jumping up and down. Kera passed the ball to Asia and now Asia and I were squaring off"

"you ready to go down baby girl?" I said smirking a Asia. She smirked then came towards me, I tried to get the ball  but she slided it between her legs and shoot it Back to kera.

"you think u got game don u Asia" I said laughing. Kera and I were now face to face, she was dribbling he ball then I swiped the ball out of her hand and pivoted around her and slam dunk on the bitch.

"Ohh Yes, In Ya Face Bitch! That's what u call game"  said in Kera's dumbass face. She rolled her eyes then went to sit on the bench while I celebrated with my team.

"yesss , that was a good shot sis" Chris said.

"I know I  got skills, I can teach u though" I said and everybody laughed.

"Dont turn around" Shendii said.

"huh why-

"Really Taylor really, how could you just go kiss another bitch!" I said running up the benches ready to slap the shit out of Kera.

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