Oldest Coin (from previous one shot book)

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(Italics means your thinking!!)

[Modern Time]

It's been really lonely without you here, best friend.

You sat on your couch petting your best friend, Levi's, dog. You were babysitting him while Levi was away.

You know, Corporal  has been missing you a whole bunch. He actually didn't eat until a few days later after you had left.

It was tough on both of you. No, not on you and Corporal , but on you and Levi. Levi was deployed to somewhere else in a different country, but he couldn't tell you where he was going. It was 'classified information'.

It has been now 4 years since you had seen each other. You couldn't help but miss him. You had no one to talk to because Levi was really your only friend in high school and you never really talked to anyone else, but now you were out of high school and just finished up college.

I miss you, Levi. Please return home safely.

During your time in high school with Levi, you had begun to grow attached to him; or more specifically, love him. Every time you would see him in the hallways, your heart would flutter. Every time he would whisper to you in the middle of class, it would make your cheeks flush red. (NOT THE DIRTY WAY~ Author-chan )

~Time skip brought to you by fancy tuna~

You were just having the most wonderful dream ever until you heard your phone go off. You look at your phone to see that (b/f/n) had texted you.


What? You woke me up at... 4 am!!? What do you want!!? What's so important that you couldn't wait to tell me later?

Oops... But, it's all worth it. Just come outside!!

Why? If it's freaking raining, you'll regret telling me to step outside. It won't be a pretty site when I'm done with you.

Oooooh... Someone's cranky... Oh well. That will change in just a moment. I'm waiting, so hurry up!

What are you doing outside of my house!?

Waiting for you!!! Hurry up and get ready!!

Fine... I'll be out in a moment.

With that, you toss your phone on the nightstand beside your bed.

Gosh, why does she have to wake me up? AT FOUR O' CLOCK IN THE FREAKING MORNING!!

You hurriedly changed your clothes and put a touch of make up on. You were wearing a (f/c) muscle tee with a pair of shorts. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time and headed out.

"I'll be back later, Corporal!! I'll get you a treat while I'm out!!" You yell as you leave your house and lock it.

"Took you long enough! Now get in!!" (B/f/n) said as she/he pushed you into the passenger seat of her car.

"Okay okay okay!!" You shout at her as she starts pushing you. She quickly climbs in and you both buckle up. She didn't tell you where you guys were going, but she had a big grin on her/ his face so it had to be bad.

First you guys went to a restaurant and grabbed a bite to eat since neither of you had eaten. You then made your way to the mall. You had fun there, but it wasn't the same without Levi. Even though he had a 'heart of stone', he loved to go to the mall. He always had a smile on his face at the mall. Especially at (y/f/s). He loved going in there. You had no idea why though.

There was also a fountain that you both would always visit there. You both would always go around the mall and look for lucky pennies dropped by customers at different stores. You would always compete with each other, seeing who got the oldest coin. The oldest coin's owner's wish would 'come true'. You would meet up at the fountain about an hour later and show off your coin.

(B/f/n) knew pretty well of this game that you guys would play. She's actually even won sometimes.

"Hey, (y/n). Could we play that game again?" Your best friend asked.

"Sure, why not? Ready, set, GO!" You yelled as you took off, looking for the oldest coin you could find on the ground.

~Time skip brought to you by potatoes~

You rushed to the fountain with a coin in between your fingers. It was a coin from 1952. When you arrived, you couldn't see (b/f/n) there, so you decided to wait a little longer. About after another 20 minutes of waiting, you threw your coin in the fountain, still making a wish, and you began to get up and leave.

I can't believe she/ he ditched me!!

Right after you thought that, you heard a very familiar song. It was (f/s). Suddenly you felt like someone was standing behind you, watching you. You turn around and there, on the opposite side of the fountain was Levi. You rubbed your eyes in disbelief, but there he was, smiling at you in his army uniform. You started walking towards him with tears building up in your eyes but then started running. Going around the fountain would take too much time, so eh, why not go through the it? You jumped into the water that came up to just 2 inches above your ankles and ran towards him. You were now soaking wet because of the fountain sprinkling water in you as you ran through it. You were still in disbelief until you actually reached Levi.

Levi stood there smiling at you. You were running faster now and jumped onto him. He clung onto you making your lags wrap themselves around his waist. He spun around with you in his arms as you both hugged each other and laughed. You had full on tears now escaping your eyes. You had your head buried into the crook of his neck, but lifted your head. You both looked at each other straight into each other's eye. You pulled on the ends of his collar on his shirt and and pulled them towards you. You pressed your lips against his. After about a few seconds, Levi kissed back, having one hand on your back and the other on your head.

He finally set you down and smiled down at you.

"I love you, (y/n)"

"I love you too, Levi."

Hm, guess I had the oldest coin.

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