Chapter 1

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Matthews POV:
For a long time, I hated school, but once that family moved in, I began to really like it.

Why in the world would I like school? Well the entire day I get to watch him. Who is him? None other then the super sexy, Matt of what everyone calls the 'criminal family.' There's no evidence that they are criminals, but everyone believes they are anyways, I'm not sure what I believe, but really, I wouldn't mind if he was. I guess I'm into bad-boys.

The family is obsessed with mine, all four members, especially Matts brother Allen with my brother Alfred. He is waiting, and running out of patience, for the day that Alfred and his boyfriend Kiku break up so he can have Alfred as his own.

My family try's their best to stay away from them, but I want to get closer.


"Mattie? You there?" A voice says, breaking me out of my thoughts. I turn to look at my twin brother "yeah?" I ask "class is over, you were too out of it to notice" he told me, and I looked at the clock '2:13' two minutes until I have to be at my next class.

'Yes! One of my classes with Matt!'

I had a total of 5 classes with him, including my last one. Alfred grabbed my hand, million dollar smile on his face "well! Let's go to class Mattie!"

'Oh yeah...the reason I can't talk with Matt in the class...Alfred's in it.'

I reminded myself as I was dragged out of the class and down the hallway to our last class of the day. "So Mattie, you know you are going to be walking home alone today right? And that both papa and Arthur are working late?" He asked, and I nodded "yes Alfie you've only told me 20 time today" I said and he nodded. We made it to the class with only about 30 seconds left, and I noticed that neither Matt nor Allen, who was also in this class, are here yet.

Me and Alfred sat in our seats, for some reason we were placed right next to each other, and began to look over our homework together once again. The homework was over different types of writing, this is a writing/grammar course (they decided to separate writing/grammar from reading/vocabulary for reasons unknown), and this month and the next we are talking about writing story's.

Alfred turns to look at me "are you excited about writing a story Mattie? I know that you really like writing" he asked, and I nodded. "Yep, but we have to write it with a partner, so I'm not as excited."

'Unless my parter is Matt.'

I thought to myself, and Alfred began to talk again about who knows what, but I tuned him out, thinking about Matt.

'His blonde hair, always in a small ponytail, sunglasses covering his eyes from the world, even though they aren't aloud in school. How he's a few inches taller then me, and how freaking strong he is! I've seen him play hockey, and it is the hottest thing since the sun to watch him beat the shit out of someone on the opposite team!'

I sigh, and Alfred stops talking, realizing I gave zero shits about whatever he was talking about. "Mattie?" I shake my head before looking at my twin "yeah?" I asked, and he frowns "you weren't listening to me" I roll my eyes "sorry Alfie" the nickname always gets him to stop being irritated with me.

"Alfred?" Kiku says, drawing Alfred's eyes from me to his boyfriend. He smiles, and gets up from his seat to hug him. It's a known fact that Kiku doesn't like physical contact, but sometimes he lets Alfred do it. This was not one of those times.

He gasps, and pushes Alfred away from him, but not hard enough to make him fall over. Alfred laughs "sorry babe, I forgot to ask if I can touch you" he apologized, scratching the back of his neck, and Kiku nods "thank you Alfred."

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