You're Bleeding ✔️

Start from the beginning

"But if you want," she carried on, "if you want I can drive you where you wanna go."

I felt the need to intervene since all my sister was doing was taking advantage of Donna who just wanted to be done with little fights like this.

"Tessa, you didn't even know that girl, I don't get why you-"

"It's called compassion." She turned to Donna knowing she had won and couldn't hide her little victory smile. "Can you drive me to the vigil?"

"Let me just get my coat," and just like that, the both of them left me alone in the house, almost making me feel guilty for not going.

---------- After cleaning up the dinner table, I went to my room and sat down on my bed. I didn't want to go to that vigil, I didn't know the girl, I didn't know anyone there but I felt the need to do something. A little walk around the neighbourhood couldn't hurt so I put on my jacket and left, feeling like these little excursions were becoming a habit. I didn't have a clue where I was going, or where I was, letting my feet guide me and soon enough I found myself in an open field near the woods, with only a little house the size of a doghouse which seemed like a weird choice for a playground. I got closer to it, out of curiosity when I noticed a shadow standing in front of it. I froze and was about to walk away as quickly and quietly as I came when the shadow started to talk with a familiar voice.

"Rose ?" What are you doing here?" Peter turned around and the moon illuminated his confused face.

"Jesus Christ, Peter! I almost had a heart attack. What the hell are you doing here?" He looked at his feet and was trying to find an excuse when another voice could be heard close to us, making me jump.

"What did it feel like?" the voice asked. It took me a couple of seconds to get used to the darkness and see him. He couldn't have been older than us but he certainly was taller and had this intensity about him.

"What did what feel like?" Peter answered first.

'Killing that girl." What now?

"We didn't." Peter didn't skip a beat, "I figured it was you."

"Me? Why would I do it?"

"Why would we?" I asked him after snapping out of it.

"People are saying you're a werewolf," He said pointing to Peter. "And you're the girl who moved in the witches' house."

"Do you believe every rumour you hear?" Peter didn't seem fazed by this rumour but still making me wonder why people would start it in the first place.

"Are you sure it wasn't you?"

"You could try to hide your disappointment, Godfrey." Peter obviously knew this guy but I was still clueless to what was going on, cursing myself for taking a stupid walk at night.

"I knew her. I mean, I saw her a few times at parties and stuff ... She liked my car." I didn't know why he felt the need to explain that but it was suspicious to me.

Peter was impatient and was it clear that he also wanted to leave now, "We didn't kill her, you apparently didn't. Now, what do we do?"

"I knew your uncle," did that kid ever stop talking? "... Vince. I like his stories. The girls would get pretty freaked out, but girls you know."

"I'm standing right here you know." Neither of them had time to react that a cop's siren could be heard for a couple of seconds, forcing Peter to grab my hand and starting to run towards the woods.

"No, no, no! Don't run. I've got this." Godfrey said putting his hand in front of his eyes to protect them from the headlights as he went towards the car.

They talked for a bit and eventually left as quickly as they appeared without arresting any of us. Godfrey came back with a grin on his face, evidently proud of himself.

"I told you I would take care of this."

He was still smiling when blood started to drip from his nose and I had to mention it for him to wipe it off like it wasn't the first time. And this was the last thing I could take in . I wanted to go home and forget about any of what had just happened. "It's been fun and all but I'm leaving now." And just like that, I ran like Satan himself was trying to get me which wouldn't have been that surprising at this point.


Hi guys :) I hope you are enjoying this story so far. I just wanted to say that if you see any mistakes ( and God knows there are a lot of them ...) don't hesitate to tell me. English is not my first language but I'm really trying

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