Not to be.... Or To be??

Start from the beginning

Lauren- That's a good idea! I'll look up some places and call you back

Madison- Okay!!Bye!

*30 minutes later*

Lauren- I found a place! It's right near Ricky and Amy's house!I called and we got accepted!

Madison-Oh God... Now we'll here about their drama all the time...

Lauren- I know right! Ugh, but that's the only place I could find! Did you get that job as a Dental Assistant ?

Madison- Yes! I start on Monday I'm so excited!

Lauren- Where's  Destinee gonna be when you're at work?

Madison- Jack is going to babysit her since he works in the afternoon and I work in the morning. The good part about it is I work 3 days a week for 12 hours. I feel so bad leaving Destinee with that cheater and that UGHH Grace

Lauren- But you have to, he's her dad

Madison- Yeah I know...So when can we move in?

Lauren- In a month!

Madison- Yay!


*Ricky called Amy about 50 times and got no answer. He got off early and picked up the kids. He called George, Anne, and Grant High, but couldn't get in touch with Amy. He decided to go to the doctors office to see if she was there(he was worried about her 😊)*

*By the time Ricky was at the OBGYN's office, so was George and Anne. Who were also worried about Amy and Ashley.*

Anne- Ricky, what's going on?

Ricky- I don't know that's why I came here. I still couldn't get in touch with Amy or Ashley *he said with Emily in his arms and John standing beside him* *Emily is now 9 months old*

Anne- Excuse me Miss, Can you tell me if my daughter Ashley is in one of the rooms.* She says to the receptionist **the nurse walks up to her*

Nurse- Yes she's in room 19 just follow the signs, but be prepared for lots of crying

George- What the hell is going on?

Ricky- You guys should go, I'll just wait here. If Amy's in there can you tell her to come here 

Anne- Sure

*They go to the room*

Anne- ASHLEY! What's wrong?

Amy- Mom. She had a miscarriage *she says while crying, in a low voice*


George- This is all my fault.. I never should have let her do this....

Toby- It's nobody's fault..

Anne- Ricky is here he's in the waiting room. Go see him*she says to Amy*

Amy- Okay.

*Amy walks to the waiting room. Ricky stands up when he sees her*

Ricky- Amy! I've been calling you. You were suppose to pick up the kids. What happened??

Amy- She lost the baby. *she says crying* *Ricky is shocked. *

Ricky- Oh my God.

John- Mommy!!!

Amy- Hey buddy! *hugging John*

Emily- Momma!

Amy- Hey EM!*She grabs her from Ricky* I'm sorry I forgot about picking them up.

Ricky- It's okay I'm glad you were there for Ashley. How is she?

Amy- Pretty bad. I think we should go. I'm not sure if she wants to see more people. Especially my kids.

Ricky- Okay. Dinner at Jeffs?

Amy- Sounds good to me! I'll meet you there! I'll take Emily for you


*Adrian is still in California, she calls Omar*

Adrian- I think we should get a divorce

Omar- What! First you take my kids half way around the world for 3 months now you want a divorce!

Adrian- Yeah, pretty much! I can raise them on my own!

Omar- Fine, but I'm visiting  whenever I want!

Adrian- And paying child support every week!

Omar- Oh and that too.... I'll miss you

Adrian- They all do...

Omar- Yeah, yeah.

Adrian- So the kids 1st birthday is coming up, I was thinking about having a party for them... You can come too.

Omar- Sure!Where do you want it at?

Adrian- My new place

Omar- Wow you got a new place! Nice

Adrian- Yeah well I have to go. Bye

Omar- Tell the kids I love them!

Adrian- I will. Bye

Omar- Bye Adrian


Ashley- *thinks to herself*I just don't understand what happened... Everything was going great. I just felt the kick yesterday and now the baby's gone. Adrian and I have a lot in common now. Well I wasn't going to be a good mother anyway. I don't like kids or babies,I'm not funny, or pretty enough to be a mom. After all those months of puking out my guts it's gone?  Just like that! But no Amy got to have both of her babies. It's all her fault. I hate her. Always have, always will. With her perfect husband and I'm stuck here with Toby. Who is by far the worst kisser ever. Maybe theirs someone I could get with.. Oh I know, Ricky!*she has a little smirk on her face*


*Before Ricky goes to Jeffs he has to stop by the gas station first. Just so happens that Clementine is there too!* *She sees him*

Clementine- Hello, Ricky?

Ricky- Clementine? Is that you?

Clementine- Yes! Are you doing anything tonight?*she says seductively * *Ricky looks around, he's thinking.....*



Hey everyone,Thanks for the 1.5 K views! Will Clementine and Ricky hook up?? Sadly, Ashley did loose her baby, who else was crying when you read it?? I know I was crying just writing it! But it definitely was necessary for the future chapters :) Now she's going after Ricky too? O my goodness!I'm going to do something different for the next chapter. You guys can say a character from the show or the characters real name and I will say what I think about them! 😊😊😊Have a fantastic week, Shekinah Xx

The Secret Life of The American Teenager, Where are They Now. Book #1 Where stories live. Discover now