#1 Fan

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~2 weeks later~
Jack had gone to the bar every night after that first night. He had began being recognized by the staff and becoming a regular. He would always sit at the bar with his beer and have a perfect view of the stage. He would always come for Mark. Sure he came for Angie and some of his new friends but Mark had cast like some spell on Jack, a spell that made Jack want to come and see this gorgeous man sing.
Jack's P.O.V
"Hey Angie!"
"Hey my favorite customer come to see me again?" Angie giggled while giving a smirk to jack. Jack sat at the bar and laughed with her.
"Oh so I'm your favorite customer now huh?"
Jack lightly laughed while Angie handed him his usual beer.
"You've always been my favorite customer Jack."  She winked at Jack and walked away to help another customer.
Jack just smiled and rolled his eyes while he  took a swig of his beer.

Mark's P.O.V
"What?? What did I do wrong??"
"Nothing Mark. You are great and all but I've lost feelings for you."
"How long has this been going on??"
"You! You cheating on me!"
"Mark calm down.... And it's been going on for 5 months...."
"5 fucking months???!!! We have been together for a year that's almost half of the time we've been together!!"
" I know... I know... But I saw how happy you were and I didn't want to ruin it."
"Wow so you stayed with me out of pity??!!! Great! Fucking fantastic!! You really know how to make a guy feel better."
"I'm sorry Mark." She walked up to Mark and kissed his cheek. He flinched a little but it was too quick for her too notice.
"Goodbye Mark." She waved bye to Mark and then she was gone.
Mark leaned against the wall and slid to the floor. He didn't cry cause it didn't really hurt as much as he thought it would. He was just furious that she only dated him out of pity, and that half of the time she was with another man.
"Hey Mark! You are on in 30 minutes! What song will you be singing??."
Mark thought about it and then the perfect song came to mind.
"Take me to church by Hozier."
"Alright! Great choice."
~Time skip to 30 minutes later~
"Hey everybody!!! Are you ready for our favorite regular!!! The man, The myth, The legend.!!! Mark FischBack!!!!!."
Mark laughed at the introduction his friend and co-worker wade  gave him.
"Knock-em dead Mark!!"
"Thanks wade!." Mark laughed lightly and walked on stage.
He looked out into the crowd and waved. Women going crazy and some even crying.
Mark just smiled and said his usual "thank you for coming out and junk" till he saw a man at the bar. His hair was green and it caught marks attention. He smiled at the man and he saw that the man started to lightly choke on his drink. Mark lightly laughed and said he was all set to start.

Jack's P.O.V
"oh my god!! He looked at me!!!" Jack whispered to himself but apparently Angie heard.
"Aww does jacky have a man crush???"
She said in a baby type voice and laughed.
Jack blushed lightly and sarcastically laughed.
"No! I was just reenacting what the women here act like when he looks at them."
Angie just laughed and rolled her eyes.
"What ever you say Jack."
He stuck his tongue out at her and she did the same.
"Oh look your boyfriend is about to start."
"Shut up Angie." Jack laughed while Angie went to help a group of women that just came in.
"My lovers got a humor
She's a giggle at a funeral
Knows everybody's disapproval
Should've worshipped her sooner"

Jack got lost in the man's deep angel like voice and just wanted to sleep on a bed of his voice.

Jack didn't want him to stop singing but there were other people to go on  stage and try to follow the perfect man. Once mark bowed, women were clapping and screaming for him Jack clapped but not too much or that would make it obvious. Once Mark walked off stage Jack swiveled his chair to face the bar again and asked Angie for a another beer and before Angie could leave, a deep angel like voice asked for a beer as well.
Jack all of a sudden became tense.
"Hey Angie I'll take a beer too please."
"Sure thing Mark!"
Angie looked at Jack and winked at him and walked away.
Jack turned to the man and began to talk.
"Hey man you were really good up there!"
"Thanks man!"
"You must enjoy it having all the lady's around you huh?" Jack lightly laughed and mark just looked down at his feet.
"Yeah I guess but I just got out of a relationship were she was cheating on me for 5 months and we were together for a year."
"Aww man I'm so sorry."
"It's alright. And the thing is she was one of those women who was always around me. But I guess she found someone better."
"Nah man! You are great! I mean who wouldn't want this!" Jack pointed to Mark and laughed.
Mark joined him.
"Aw thanks man! Haven't laughed like that in a while."
"No problem bro."
"And if you don't mind me asking are you from Scotland?"
Jack laughed.
"Actually I'm from Ireland."
"Oh I always get the two mixed up."
Mark laughs and Jack joins him.
Angie finally came back with the drinks.
"What took you so long Angie??" Jack asked while laughing.
"Sorry Jack I didn't want to interrupt a special moment."
"What?" Mark asked with a chuckle.
"Oh yeah you don't know! Well Mark, Mr.Jackay Boy over here as a man crush on you."
"What??" Mark asked again as he looked at Jack who was staring directly at Angie with fury.
"Yeah he was freaking out right now when you were on stage cause you looked at him. And now I'm starting to realize he always comes in right before you go onstage. For two weeks now. He is Like  your #1 Fan. " Angie laughed and Jack was flustered and took a big swig of beer. Mark was about to say something but Jack cut him off.
"Well tonight was great. It was nice meeting you Mark." Jack looked at Angie with fury while she smiled and winked.
"See you tomorrow Jack?" Angie asked while trying to hold in a giggle.
Jack was walking out and then stuck a middle finger up and walked out. She laughed and began wiping down the bar.
"Hey Angie did he really freak out when I smiled at him on stage??"
"Yeah he was like 'oh my gosh! He looked at me' and stuff." She laughed and Mark lightly laughed with her.
"Huh. Maybe he will come in tomorrow."

Hi! I'm not sure if I completely like this chapter.. I mean do you like it??? Should I continue??? I don't know. Well anyways thanks for reading and I'll see all you dudes in the next chapter! Buh -bye

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