Thor : Pop Tarts

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Avengers! Thor

"Lady (Y/N)!" I jumped up on my bed and looked around and saw Thor smiling in the door way. I slid off my bed and smiled, "hey Prince." "Please, call me Thor." I smiled, "alright. What do you need?" I asked and placed my book away. "I was wondering if you have seen my pop tarts." I thought, "Tony took them. I believe he left you a note." I said and scurried to the kitchen. "Yeah, he said, "sorry Goldilocks, I needed the boost of sugar."... yeah." I said and Thor looked like a small kid and had his candy taken away. I smiled and tried to console him. "Come on." I said as I pulled him along. "Where are we going?" He asked, "to buy some more." I said as I took Tony's wallet and left a note saying; "hey Iron butt, Thor was sad so I'm taking your wallet. Deal with it".

Thor wouldn't let go of my hand. It was crowded in the grocery store and he didn't want to loose his only connection to his pop tarts. It was nice, holding his hand. Yeah, I've been crushing on him for a year now. He helped me through a me through a messy relationship. My ex was abusive and I tried not to tell Thor but when I visited one day, half my face was blue and black and I had finger prints around my neck. Thor took it into his own hands, "A real man should never, ever touch a woman in such a manner!" Thor said and nearly killed him that day. "Thor." I touched his bulging biceps and lightly pulled him back from killing him. "You are coming to live with me and the others. Pack your stuff." He grabbed everything I owned and shoved it into a bag, and we left.
"Are you sure?" Thor asked, "sure, this is Tony's money." I said as he filled a shopping cart full of pop tarts. I smiled as he looked like a kid in a candy store. "I love you!" He said and hugged me. I smiled and laughed, "it's only pop tarts." I said and he stopped. "No. (Y/N). I truly do love you." I stopped pushing the cart and I smiled, "and I you." I said and he pulled me into a hug and pulled the cart and me to the register. "Whoa..." the guy said, I turned and saw him smile at me. I blushed as I loaded the conveyer belt with the boxes, there was... ninety... so... five hundred and forty...? Yeah. "So... did you fall from heaven, angel?" I smiled, "yes, I died twenty five years ago, just like that pickup line." I said sweetly as his friend laughed as she bagged the pop tarts and I paid two hundred dollars and walked away with Thor who held most of the bags. "Did you really die twenty five years ago?" I sighed, "no, it's just my come back for cheesy pick up lines." I said and he smiled as we walked back into the tower and Stark was there, walking around. "You stole my wallet!" He freaked, "and you stole my pop tart!" Thor said, "now down worry, we got you some boxes too." I said as I pulled out three boxes of vanilla and strawberry and gave them to him and placed the pop tarts away quickly and Thor watched as I had to climb to the cupboard to reach them. "Need some help?" Steve asked, "someone missed the memo." Bruce said and Steve looked confused, "If you offer her help related to heights or how S-H-O-R-T she is, you're looseing your kneecaps." Tony said "I may not be a super genius but I used to be an English teacher, so I can spell!" I yelled as I threw a granola bar at Tony. "Wait... what?" Tony asked and I smiled slightly and shook my head, "this is why I always proof read things that you type... I'm not nosy, I know what I am doing." I said as I slipped and fell. I landed on my back and Thor rushed to my side, worry in his blue eyes. "Don't worry, I've taken worse." I said as I stood up again and started to unpack again. "Like what?" Tony asked and I stopped unpacking for a second before continuing. "You know, things." I said quietly as I took a deep breath before smiling and getting down. "Right. I think that's everything. I have proof reading to do." I said before retreating to my room.
I came out in the middle of the night and reached for a pop tart. My back still hurts from the fall. "Lady (Y/N)?" I smiled as I turned and saw Thor. "Hey Thor." I said lightly. "What are you doing?" Thor asked, "just grabbing a pop tart." I said as I went to climb the counter but Thor stopped me and handed me one. I smiled lightly before he hugged me and cradled me, taking me over to the fireplace and sat us both down. I slowly ate and he ran his fingers through my hair. "I hope you know that I do truly love you." He said and I stopped, "find another girl to truly love Thor, I'm really not good for you." I said and he picked me up slightly and kissed me, I was shocked to say the least! "Your better than good for me." He whispered and smiled.

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