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Bright blue eyes watched as her father emptied another bottle. The young girls tight grip on her backpack staying firm.

She left the house without a single word from her carer, he didn't normally notice when she left to go to school.

A smile appeared on her face when she noticed the small brunette boy waiting in his usual spot for her outside the school gates. His soft hands closed around hers and led her into the building.

She sat on a table next to the small brunette, along with the girl that had the dull green eyes and the bright orange hair and a boy that kept asking why her parents never took her to school. She had made up a story that her parents were stinking rich and they had a driver take her to school in a red lamborgini. But he always dropped her off around the corner by the shop so he could buy her a surprise sweet for when he picked her up. For the rest of the day, children kept asking questions on what it was like to have so much money. The questions didn't stop until the bell rang signalling it was the end of the day.

The 8 year old girl's bright blue eyes watched as happy families walked past her on the pavement. She wished she had a happy family and a driver with a red lamborgini that bought her sweets everyday.

She watched the door as the clock struck 5, the time her father usually finished work and came home with another bottle attached to his hand.

She watched the door as the clock chimed to 7, the time she would curl up under her bed covers with her cat and told him stories about space.

She watched the door as the clock turned to 9, the cat curled up in her lap and purred loudly everytime she stroked his fur.

Bright blue eyes watched the door with clouded eyes as the clock hit 12, her father stumbling inside the house with a blonde lady attached to his hip.

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