Chapter 2

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(Another picture of Claudia.)


The college was huge. I'm definitely going to get lost in here.

Just then, I bumped into someone and my suitcases fell on the floor. "What the fuck man? Nobody told you to watch where your going?" I asked, rudely.

The person I bumped into stood up. It turns out he was a boy. Looked like he could be seventeen like me. Perfect jawline. Messy brown hair. And dark brown eyes. Ohhhh my hormones....he's sexy as fuck. WHAT THE FUCK CLAUDIA?!?! I quickly shook my head at the thoughts and then looked at his muscles, which, by the way, looked like they were about to rip through his dress shirt.

He cleared his throat loudly and then I looked up at his face, which was held in a smirk. "You just shamelessly check people out?" He asked in a deep, sexy voice. Wait, did I just say sexy?

"I wasn't checking you out. I was looking at my competition." I lied. He raised an eyebrow. "How am I your competition?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. Attitude time. "Do you have memory loss? You knocked me over when you bumped into me. And in case you haven't noticed, my suitcases are on the fucking floor because of your blind ass!" I screamed at him.

He started laughing. I felt like his laugh was shaking the school. "If I was blind, I wouldn't call you beautiful." He said after he finished laughing. "Oh pah-leez! You didn't even call me beautiful. But don't try because your flattery doesn't work on me." I said.

"Awe, that's a shame. Usually it works on other girls." He said and smiled. "Well, news flash: I'm not those other girls. In other words, I'm not a slut and never will be." I said and started picking up my suitcases.

That was a bad move because when I bent over in my white skinny jeans, I'm pretty sure he got a perfect view of my butt. "You have a nice ass." He said. I told you he looked. "Your a pervert, so what you say has no effect on me." I said and started walking away with my bags.

Not fast enough because he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, so that my back was on his chest.

I repeatedly slapped his arms. He just chuckled. "Do you really think your slaps hurt someone with my strength?" He asked, smugly. I turned around in his arms and slapped his face. Correction, I bitch slapped him. A bitch slap is just a slap that is so hard, it can be heard from a far.

He let go of me and held his cheek. I took that opportunity and ran away to try and find the main office.


After what felt like ages of running around, I finally found the main office. When I walked inside, I went over to the lady at the front desk. Ew, she looked old and wrinkly. Isn't there surgery for that?

"Hi, how may I help you?" Her boring voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Oh, um, I came here for a schedule for my classes, and the key to my dorm." I replied and waited. She disappeared from my sight alittle to get the stuff I asked for. Then when she came back up, she handed me my stuff.

"Since this is the first week of college for everyone, no one has to go to classes. The teachers and other adults are giving you all time to get settled and used to your roomates. If you need anything, come to the main office. And when you use the key, turn it right. You can only address me as Mrs.Tomas.
Goodbye and have a nice day." Mrs.Tomas said and I left.

When I left the main office, I put my schedule in one of the pockets in the suitcase. Then I looked at my key, which read: Room 23B. I'm guessing there is a whole section of B's. So I started walking down this hall but noticed that I was in the A section. So I went upstairs and found the B section.

I slowly walked past all the doors, looking for my room. "20B, 21B, 22B, yes, 23B!" I squealed in excitement. I wonder if my roomate is nice. I swear if she is a bitch I will kill her! Either way, I'm going to have to be roomed with a girl. I don't think they allow opposite genders together.

When I turned the key right like the lady said, the door gave in and unlocked.

I regret coming to this fucking college because when I entered I saw that it was him. The boy I bumped into this morning.


Dum, dum, duuuuummmm!

Stay tuned for more!



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