Half way back to her apartment an idea sparks in the back of Chase’s mind. One U-turn later she is on her way back to the Harman residence.

She sighs when she arrives at the house for the third time this week and finds it locked.

‘Stupid mortals,’ she sighs inwardly, retrieving her lock picking pins from her pocket.

After glancing down the empty street to ensure no one was around, she squats and shoves the pins in. After a few moments of jiggling a grin crosses her face when a click emanates from the lock. Chase pulls the pins out and looks the door over searching for any form of tampering before going inside. The gems sewn into the top of her arm warmers become considerably colder as she walks through the residence. The investigator stops just in front of where the body had been discovered, shivering as the gems’ temperature drop even lower in response to the recent death. Her hand slides into her pocket and she retrieves a small leather bound book, as well as a piece of chalk. Chase crouches and opens the book looking through her notes. As the chalk was about to make contact with the carpet she hears the front door and various other windows shatter around her. Within seconds she’s surrounded by what appeared to be a small army of Cleavers. Inwardly Chase begins to panic at the sudden appearance of the grey clad guards, outwardly she slips the book and chalk back into her jacket and she carefully stands straight. Her fists clench at her sides and she feels the shadows swarm in the space between her arms and jacket. Someone clears their throat and she turns to face the direction of the front door. Dark green-grey eyes meet bright blue ones, which do not look too impressed. She raises an eyebrow at him expecting him to start the conversation. She notices that his stance relaxes slightly and a wry smile spreads across his face.

“Looks like I went to all of this trouble for a wee mouse.”

“A mouse?”

“Indeed, we had been expecting…someone a bit more impressive but it seems that all you are is a thief.”

“A thief?” she asks, shock lining her tone “is that what you think of me?”

“What else am I to think miss…”

“Shadows, Chase Shadows,” she supplies “and who might you be?”

“Winter Ryse,” he introduces giving a mock bow “tell me Miss Shadows you wouldn’t happen to be a..”

“Necromancer?” she queries, relaxing her stance.

He gives a tight nod in response, around him all the Cleavers tense.

"Why yes I am," she grins as the shadows swarm out from her jacket and around her person.

The Cleavers spring into action just as they finish covering her.

After a few moments of black Chase steps out into a darkened alley. She hastily pats over her person, fearing momentarily that she had been cut by one of the scythes.

'Either they had orders to take me alive or my shadow walking has gotten faster,' she thinks heading to her waiting transport.

The necromancer throws her bag in the back seat and jumps into the driver’s seat. She drives down the street waving at Winter as she passes him.

When she arrives at her apartment Chase retrieves her bag and walks up the flight of stairs leading to her living space. Once inside she walks into her bedroom and shoves her bag into the closet before locking it. As she leaves the room her phone begins to vibrate in her pocket. Sighing she reaches into her pocket and pulls the small device out. She looks at the number before flipping the top and holding the phone to her ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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