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Hello! I am Meghan Trainor I loveeee to sing. One of my best friends names is Kelsey. She was over today and she will not stop bugging me about our Good friend Charlie Puth. She screams our ship name at the top of her lungs and sings it throughout the day. I don't get what's so special about us dating. We tell everyone we don't want to date but people never give us a rest. I have to admit I wouldn't hate dating Charlie, but neither of us have made a move. He  called me earlier and asked if I wanted to attend a dance with him. Of course I said ok, he always asks me to things that seem like something romantic but it ends up just being a hangout, every time. Knowing nothing special was going to happen I put on a simple black flowy dress with a silver moon necklace that my good friend Ariana Grande gave me for my birthday. I got in the car and drove to Charlie's House. He was standing on the porch in a tuxedo, I can't believe it the one time I under dress he is over dressed. Maybe this was more than a hangout, I had to figure out how to get back home and change into something nicer. When I pulled into the drive way I grabbed my big white fluffy coat and zipped it up as high as it would go, covering all you could see of the dress. Charlie walked up to the car and I told him I left my phone at home, I suggested that I just met him at the dance. Charlie shot me an odd look but hesitantly said ok see you then. I pulled out of the drive way and was about half way down the street when my phone started ringing, I'm pretty sure he didn't hear anything. I pulled into my house slammed the door I ran inside at high speeds wind pulling the curls out of my hair. Kelsey was inside watching T.V and she dropped and broke the remote when I ran in ., apparently I'm really loud when I am in a Rush. Kelsey could tell what was wrong when she saw Charlie's snapchat of his tuxedo. She ran to her closet and grabbed a sparkly blue like prom dress. I added some extensions to my hair to make us look fuller and curled them quickly. Then I switched out my high heels and added some diamond studs. I high fived Kelsey and ran into my car.

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