Chappie 4: Together

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Len awoke from his nap and noticed it was dark outside. What he had done before falling asleep sunk in and a wild blush spread across his cheeks. "Well look whose finally woke up." Len jumped a little. "S...sorry." Kaito smiled. "Your fine. How about you go wash up so I can clean up the couch and make dinner." Len nodded and got off the couch. He then went and showered as told. When he got out he was welcomed with a kiss on the cheek. "Oh." "Dinners done." "Okay." The two went into the living room. They both ate quietly until Kaito broke the silence. "So my little neko." Len blushed and look at Kaito. "Y...yes?" "Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Len smiled and shook his head. "Yes!" Kaito smiled and leaned over giving Len a gentle kiss on the lips. That night they both went to sleep with smiles on their faces.
Le Next Morning:
Len awoke to the other side of the bed being empty. He then got out of bed and walked into the kitchen and saw a note waiting for him.


I had to go to work early. I will be home tonight. Dress nice we're going out for dinner. ;)
Len smiled and nodded to himself. 'I need to find a nice outfit.' Len went into his room and pulled out some money. Kaito gave him some in case of emergencies. This classifies aa an emergency. Len locked the door behind him and went to many clothing stores. He finally found one called Freddy's. "Hello and welcome to Freddy's. What can I help you find?" Len looked up at the woman. "S...something n...nice? N....not a t...tux but..." "I understand follow me." The woman led Len to the men's dressing area and shoved some shirts onto him. Len tried them all on but settled on a lose fitting purple button up shirt. The lady then handed him some black skinny jeans. "You look date ready." Len blushed and changed back into his dingey clothes payed for his purchase and went home. At five o'clock Leb changed into his new outfit and sat in the couch waiting for his lover. There was a knock at the door. Len hopped up assuming Kaito was making this seem like an actual date. However, once he opened the door he did not find Kaito and fear took over Lens body. "Hi Len. I've missed you."

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