Chappie 1: The run away

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Len ran as fast as he could. He didn't know how long he had been running all he knew is he needed to stop for the need of air was becoming powerful. Len double over to catch his breath but when he looked up he got a little frightened. "Where am I?" Len looked around him to see he was in a neighborhood that seemed like it could only bring trouble. "Hey Kitty you lost?" Len turned around to see three boys and could sense what they wanted. They smelt of sweat, blood, and horny... "Eh..." Len turned around and began to run quickly ending up in an ally way trapped by walls. "Here Kitty Kitty Kitty. Come out where-" the boy smirked and looked at Len. "Little Kitty looks scared." Two others came around him cracking their knuckles. "Mew..." "awww Kitty's scared." The boy Len assumed to be the leader walked up to him and pinned him to the wall. "You'll be fun to play with." The boy smirked and last Len saw was the leader bring up the end of a gun and hit him over the head...
~le next morning~
Len woke up and took in the sight before him. 'Where am I?' He then sat up but quickly regretted it as his ass began to sting and his head spun. He was on a couch in a living room he had never seen before. 'M...maybe I should just leave.' Len hopped off the couch and was at the door when he jumped and turned around. "Your going to leave without saying thanks?" Len hissed and ran into a nearby corner. "I'm not gonna hurt you. Look I even bought cat food." The man with blue hair sat a bowl on the ground and cautiously stuck out his hand. "Here Kitty Kitty. Come here I'm not gonna hurt you." Len stood up and walked just out of reach of the man. "Im a neko not a full blown cat so dont treat me as one." Lens harsh tome threw the bluenett off guard and he quickly stood up straight. "Right well now that you seem to be filling better perhaps we should call the police?" Lens eyes widened. "No please don't the p...police. I...I'm sorry f...for being mean I was am j...just s...scared." "well we need to do something. I can't really~" The man stopped as Len put his head down and he noticed tears falling from the boys face. " don't. I don't want to go back." By now Len was sobbing. The bluenett brought Len into a hug who resisted at first but soon let him hold him and cry even harder. After a few minutes and all Len could do was sniffle he looked up at the tall man. And at that moment his heart beat quickened. 'He's so beautiful.' "Wh...what ha...happed?" The bluenett looked at Len and smiled a sad smile. "I'm not sure. I was walking down the side walk after visiting my sister and I don't know why but something drug me down that alley way and I saw a ton of cats surrounding and cuddling something. Thats when I noticed you and... I noticed you had a cut on your head and various other places. Then I saw pants next to you and cum... well on you and I thought I would bring you in until you woke up." Len blushed and looked at the ground. "Tell you what I won't call the police of you explain why not." Len nodded. " master got me a few months ago. It was nice at first but then he started beating me... awhile later he started r...raping me so I r...ran away. Then some other p...people d...did the same thing." The boy held Len tighter. "You can stay with me okay?" Len looked up at the bluenett. "You will be my new master?" "Sure but first my names Kaito alright?" Len smiled and nodded his head. "Len." Len nuzzled his nose into Kaitos neck and began to purr. He felt safe with Kaito. When Gakupo took him in there was something Len couldnt sense with him but non of that was here with Kaito. Maybe he could finally be happy...

Kaito X LenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon