Messenger ; hyungkyun

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It was at the same old time; probably pass 10PM as my phone alerted me that I have a a message from messenger

I excitedly ran to get my phone, probably because I was expecting someone at this time.

A little curved was formed at both ends of my mouth as soon as i checked my notifications.

He, whom I've been waiting for since earlier. i glanced at the upper right oart of my screen and checked the time; 10:28.

It's funny how i got used to the routine of getting his message before midnight; staying up late to talk to him when I know it was unnecessary.

"Hey! Can I call you? I miss your voice :)"

"sure thing :)"

Seen 10:29
Answer or decline?

I quickly inserted the head phones and answered.

"Hey" a sweet voice answered on the other line as soon as the call connected

"Hi!" I replied as I continued to scroll through feed.

"So how are you" He asked with a cheerful tone

"Good, still good looking like always" I giggled "You?"

"Good, I'm handsome like how my face is naturally" he laughed as it made me smile from ear to ear

"oh goodness" I laughed A little bit "I'm handsome right?" he askes with full determination "yes your are" I giggled.

"I missed you" he said "we're talking like right now how can you miss me?"

"i dont know? I just miss you"

"oh okay!" "Really? That's all you're gonna say" he replied with a sad voice.

"yeah why?" I asked containing my laugh, finding him cute.

"You're supposed to say something actually"

"yeah, what is it?"

"I miss you too?"

"what did you say. The connection is very unstable here I couldn't hear properly" it was supposed to be a joke because I really didn't want to say I miss you too for some reasons.

"i said I miss you too, you should reply with I miss you too" he repeated.

"sorry the connection is really unstable, I cant understand" I said again trying to not laugh.

He laughed with the sound of annoyance in his voice "right whatever" he said under his voice but it's was still loud and clear to me even if it was a faint reply.

"so I have many things to do let's talk again tomorrow?"

"right, goodbye hyungwon"

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