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"Awe, you all look lovely!" Exclaims Tracy who had just spent the past hour lecturing us on our "bridal duties"

Me, Tee and Carmen all stood in a row infront of Tracy in our bridesmaids dresses (picture above).

Tee tried her best not to yawn while Carmen flounced about looking like a total idiot.

"Perfect! Now get changed and then we can go home and I can show you the order of the ceremony etc. etc."

We all sat in the cafe.

This particular cafe has karaoke nights/ days and in the her Carmen persuaded me to come and sing with her and so we started singing Jolene.

All of a sudden the people sitting in he cafe fall silent and then stare at me.

(How Skye sounded)

Once we had finished and gotten into the car it was silent.

And I was perfectly happy with that

As usual Carmen broke the ice with her big mouth

"Skye was that really you singing"

"It must've as the music they were playing had no vocals" Tee chimed in.

"Do you sjng for audiences?" Tracy asks

"No, I only record myself sing for when I dance - I do acro and contemporary" I reply

"Do you mind playing forus when we get back?"


★ ★ ★

I pick up my guitar case and carry it downstairs to the living room where Tee, carmen and Tracy sit.

My guitar is pretty much my onky valuable item I have. It's the one thing I refuse to let go.

I take my guitar out from its case and i start to play.

"I don't like them Innocent
I don't want no face fresh
I want them wearing leather
Beggin' let me be your taste test

Sad eyes
Bad guys
Mouth full of white lies"

Once I had finished the girls just stared at me

"What?" I ask slightly amused

"N-nothing, that was beautiful" Tracy replied

"Oh thanks"

"Are you interested in singing at my wedding?"

"Oh I guess"

I turn to see Ryan at the door smiling at me, had he been watching the whole time?

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