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It was the next morning when the invite arrived

"A letter!" Squealed Carmen.

Tee snatches it from her hand. "It's from Tracy!!"

"I'll have that thank you very much as it is addressed to all of us, we can open it in the kitchen everyone sit down". Says Mike snatching the letter out of Tee's hand.

"Who is this Tracy girl anyway?" I askes Carmen as we all sat at the table.

"She used to be a care kid here, and then she worked here after she was adopted". Replied Carmen.

Mike cleared his throat as he opened the envelope and took out the letter carefully as if in any second it would explode.

"Tracy Beaker" he muttered "I never thought I'd see the day"


"Is she okay?"

"What happened"

The room rippled with the kids voices.

"Tracy's engaged" exclaims Mike

"Oh wow" Carmen claps her hands "Whens the wedding?"

"Next month, she really does like to make it difficult for other people. It has her phone number at the bottom of the invitem I'll call her now"

Mike leaves and the whole room falls silent

"Hey Tee, Skye come with me" says Carmen leading us to he hallway we need to pick out outfits!"

Me and Tee follow her and I swear the whole time I was on that room Ryan didn't take his eyes off of me.

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"D'you think we'll be bridesmaids?" Giggles Carmen holding a dress up to Tee infront if the mirror.

"Don't be silly Carmen" Tee laughs "Tracy has her own life now, she'll have met new people and made new friends.
what do you think Skye."

I look up from phone and smile. "I don't really know Tracy so I'm defiantly not gonna be a brides maid but you're both quite close to her from what I've heard. I guess we'll wait and see"

"Ohh I think this is it Tee, give us a twirl" exclaims Carmen.

It was reported that last night two girls in Ashteen Ridge were bludgeoned to death with a coat hanger and a high heel. It is yet to be investigated but police believe it was a very violent attack after the two girls drove the culprit mad. The police found the culpit ripping her hair out and crying under the bed.

Somekne knocks on the door and then Mike appears.

"Tracy's bridesmaids can no longer be her bridesmaids after an unfortunate accidents, She was going to ask Tee, Carmen and Faith to be her bridesmaids as they are the people with the closest fittings to the oher bridesmaids but Faith has training. Skyeare you okay with filling in?"

Carmen squeals

Tee's mouth drops

"I guess" I say

"Okay I'll tell Tracy, you all need to meet up with her tomorrow" and then he leaves closing the door behind him.

Carmen squeals once again (ughh)

"Well this is gonna be intersting" sighs Tee

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