"I have to go." You stand up and start walking out.

"Go where?" Sam asks, also standing up.

"...I don't know." You grab your jacket and head out the door.
Dean's POV:
Y/N walks out of the room and through the door. I turn my head to look at Sam. "You gonna go after her?"


"Why not? You seem to be close."

"She needs time to herself. Y/N's been through a lot, more then she should've."


"This is my fault. I never should've brought her into this mess. I should've brought her back to her house and left her."

"First of all, it's not your fault Sammy. The Wendigo found her, we didn't take any part in that. And if you did let her go with all the demon crap, it couldn't gone down hill fast. What's left of her family could've been killed off too." I say. I place a hand on his shoulder. Sammy weakly smiles at me.

I take in a breath and step back. "We should see Pamela."

Sam nods and we walk off to find her.
Y/N's POV:
You walk past the Impala, past the shed, and into a large grass field. The sun slowly rises into the sky. You sigh and look at the beautiful country side. Sniffing, you wipe some tears from your face.

"Hello Y/N." You whip around to see a man standing in front of you. He wears the same clothes as the man you saw before. You lock eyes with the man, sky blue eyes stare back.

"Castiel!?" You blurt out.

"Yes, I do believe we've meet before." His expression changes from..blank to confused. His eyebrows knit together. "You were crying. Why?"

"Oh it's nothing, just some drama I wish I didn't have..." Your voice trails off and you wipe the last of your tears away. "What are you doing here Cas? Last time I saw you you erased my memory." You sternly say.

"I am here to look over you and the people around you. You are troubled Y/N, I want to help." Cas says. Dammit, he's using puppy eyes.

The silence is broken with Dean yelling out. "CAS!?" Castiel turns around. Dean is quickly walking towards you two, Sam following close behind.

"Wait-wait-wait. You guys know him!?"

"Yes, we do. We met awhile ago." Castiels says.

Dean grabs onto Cas's trench coat. He gets close to his face. "Why did you erase Y/N's memory!? Huh? Was it really that necessary to erase her memory if she was just gonna get it back?" Dean screams in his face. Their faces are so close right now, their noises almost touching.

"I'm sorry Dean, I was just taking orders." Cas says quietly.


Dean let's go of his trench coat. They stare at each other of a couple of minutes, like they're telepathically talking to each other. Finally, you want to move on.

"Are you two gonna kiss or can we move on and talk later?" You say blankly. Dean whips his head around and looks at you. His face turns beat red. He huffs and marches back to the Impala. Castiel just stands there, very confused, but you swear his cheeks turned pink. Sam bursts out laughing. "Good one!" He high fives you. You both laugh.

"SHUT UP!" Dean yells from the Impala.

You and Sam climb into the Impala, still chuckling a little. Dean starts up the Impala and drives away. Everyone assumes that Castiel just zapped out.

"So Y/N. Now that we don't have any big priorities, like getting your memory back, wanna start training?" Dean asks.

Oh! That's right, I still need to train to become a hunter. Almost forgot.

"Why the hell not!" You answer.

Dean chuckles, "That's my girl."

You glance at Sam, he turns around and beams at you. You wink at him and he smiles brighter. You look out the window at the sun rising into the sky. Better get some sleep, huh?

"Well, uh, if we're going to drive for awhile I'm gonna get some shut eye." You say as you lean against the window. "Mkay." They reply.

Your eyes slowly drift close and you fall into a deep slumber.
You, Sam, and Dean have been working together for more then two months now. Sadly, you and Sam have become addicted to demon blood. You feast when you can, without Sam nor Dean knowing. You have discovered powers, like exercising demons with your hands. Sam has the same powers too. Dean struggles to keep you two on the good side and he had to call in backup. Bobby Singer came to help, and just in time too. You and Sam have become dangerous and need to stop drinking demon blood. With the help of Bobby, Dean has locked you up in Bobby's panic room. Sam is not with you, due to controlling the power better, but soon will need to be. Castiel has tried to help but cannot remove the demon blood. Cas on the other hand, has not been around much. He comes when he can, but most of the time he had work elsewhere. Dean plans to take on Azazel with his knife that kills all demons. But he decides to hold off, stay close to you and Sam, and wait for you to get better.

Y/N's POV:
You sit on the little bed in the middle of the circular room, your wrist cuffed to the bed post. To pass the time you look at the demon trap painted on the floor. You have memorized every symbol and have redrawn it many times in your head. But that was before the pain. It's been awhile since you were locked up. So long you forget what day it is.

But the pain comes back. Your head pounds and spins. It feels like the most heaviest elephant in the world is standing on your head, threatening to crush it in seconds. The noise. Noises so loud you can't hear yourself scream out in pain. You call for Sam, Dean, Bobby, and even Castiel to come and help you. You scream until your voice is horse, but even then you keep screaming. Blood runs out of your nose, tears streaming down your face. The pain is unbearable.

Sometimes, you have hallucinations. Azazel strapping you to the bed, torturing you. After awhile you realized it was a hallucination, but it sure as hell didn't feel like a hallucination.

Through all the pain and the noise you look up. The opening to let the sunlight in, the fan spinning slowly, and yet another Devils trap made out of iron bars. The same old scene, everyday.

You quickly look down when the slot on the door opens. Dean's fantasy green eyes stare back. "How you doing kid?"

"Dean, please! Get me out of here!" You cry.

Dean looks down and then back up. "You know I can't, Y/N. You need to get the demon blood out of your system." He says calmly. You sniff and bring your hand up to your head. "Please...I hear them, Dean! I hear the screams of people! Over an over again! And I can do nothing to stop it! Please, let ME OUT!" You scream. Burning tears sting your face.

"No, you must sta-" Dean starts to say, but your anger takes over. You clench your fists and let out this growl/scream. All the objects around you fly outwards and hit the walls and the door. A loud crash echoed throughout the house. Dean's eyes widens. He quickly shuts the little window on the door.

"No! No...don't leave me." You whisper to yourself. "SAM! DEAN! BOBBY-CASTIEL ANYONE! HELP ME!"

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