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I sat on the edge of the Bifrost, the very edge where Odin had stood and watched me fall into the black of the abyss. I came here often just to stare at the stars and think. There was one problem out here, though. It was too quiet.

Ever since I had gotten out of prison for the incident in New York, I had had almost a phobia of the silence. In prison there is nothing but silence. Silence that gives you time to reflect on everything. Silence that kills you inside. That is why so often I would hum a tune or talk to myself. If I didn't talk to myself, who would, anyways?

They were right. I am a monster. All those people I killed.... How must it have been for them to know that their life would end at my hands? And my "family"? I had betrayed them. I hadn't even spoken with them since New York. I was afraid of what I would hear. I couldn't even begin to think about the horid conversation that might have happened.

{You're such a disgrace.}

{I wish I had never brought you from Jöutenheim.}

{You're not my brother.}

{You're a monster.}




The word was the worst of all the names I'd been called because I knew it was true.

How could I escape from here, I wondered. Get away from the troubles of this world, not have to face them. I know it is cowardice, but now I live my life in fear. Fear of pain. Causing it. Feeling it.

'Maybe I should take a long walk off a short Bifrost....' I thought to myself. 'I found a new realm last time. Perhaps I'll find someplace out there where I'm accepted.'

I stood and looked back at the castle I once called home, the place that I was my shelter. The house that no longer felt like home.

I picked up my helmet from the rainbow bridge and secured it onto my head, then summoning Spirod, my sceptor.

'Farewell, Asgard.'

Two steps and I fell. The rush of the air against my face and the feeling of falling felt like a nightmare. The nightmares I had of falling from the Bifrost the first time.

{I could have done it, father! For you! For all of us!}

{No, Loki.}

I looked down into the nothingness, into the abyss, then closed my eyes. This was it. I would not go back. I was going to begin a new life wherever I ended up. A good one. I would not be the monster I once was. I would be a new me.

Not Loki Odinson. He died in Jöutenheim.

Not Loki Laufeyson. He died in Asgard.

Just Loki then.

Loki, the Would-be King with no family, living in lies and fear.

~Author's Note~

Hope you enjoyed! I'm sorry it was short, but I'll try to make the next longer! Leave a comment and a vote if ya like and I hope you'll stay with me for the next chapter of "Melting the Ice"!


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